Yes. I do not think the government should be bailing out any industry. Let the market place work the way it was intended. If businesses fail, then they fail. If banks lend money out in a risky manner - then they assume that risk and deal with the consequences. The market place should determine the value of a worker - not a union and not the government. The people should decide how to spend their money - the government should not be taxing the heck of us and then telling us where that money will be spent. More money in the hands of the people - and I don't discriminate based on wealth - the more money will find its way back into the economy. The slippery slope I am referring to is socialism.
Yeah, we saw how well that worked in the 1920 when the government decided to let the problem "work itself out", it lead right into the Great Depression.
What is socialist about making sure that our economy and financial markets stay afloat in a crisis like that? Although I am having a hard time understanding why supposed socialism is painted as the boogie man if capitalism in its extreme is what got us into trouble in the first place. How many times do we have to bang our heads against the wall to realize that it hurts?
ETA: I totally agree with you hottiescientist. Well said!!!