Hooray for Dove!


I am so proud of Dove (the skin care company, not the chocolatiers) for their current campaign celebrating real beauty. It makes me very hopeful that this will catch on and that the girls growing up today will not give in to the Madison Avenue view of beauty. While I certainly don't want my daughter becoming blase' about her figure as she grows, I don't want her to become obsessed about it either. Especially when that obsession will lead her down a road paved in frustration and disappointment.

If you go on their website, you'll see how they are really promoting the self-esteem of women. It's truly a good day in the advertising world.
Yes, I've noticed those and I hope it is a successful campaign, so that some other merchants will change their advertising tactics as well. I haven't ck'd out the website , but will today.
I've always loved their advertising because what they show is alot more attainable and real than the hollywood junk. Those woman still look aazing for their age and you can see real beauty and real life in their faces. I love that...yeas hooray for dove indeed!! :7

I am so glad you pointed this out! I saw the ads and have thought the same thing but not enough to mention it. I might have to go buy some shower gel from them now becaue you're right, it is worth supporting this kind of campaign.
Even better - their new firming lotion does work!! I have been using it for a month now and I have seen results. Not a magic bullet but not just a bunch of hype either. I also intend to use as many other Dove products as I can because I love their new advertising campaign.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
Donna - you are so right! I love the fact that they celebrate real beauty. I am also planning on buying a lot more of their products simply because I appreciate their advertising and I'm happy that they are making an effort to change the way we feel about ourselves.
I agree! Although I can't say that I'm not proud of the chocolatiers, either. The 2 must be in cahoots- one gets you to eat chocolate, the other tells you your body is okay as a result of eating too much!! ;)

Every time I see the ads, I wonder how different I would be if that was what I grew up looking at, instead of the teensy tall women...
>For interesting commentary about the Dove ads, go to

GGGRRR!!!! OH that makes me mad! I hadn't even heard of these remarks! That is so typical of men though! I remember one time about 8 years ago, I was at the bar at Chili's waiting for a table with my 2 older brothers. They made some underhanded comment about the size of our waitress' butt (it wasn't that big!) and yet they had both gained about 25 pounds over the year and had big bellies. Marniex(
Well, I was delightfully surprised. I thought the adds were going to be about celebrating obesity.

I am really frustrated lately at society accomodating obesity and treating it as the norm. Obesity is unhealthy and nothing to be celbrated...but REAL women are :)
Yes I agree, we must applaud the use of real women in any type of media setting!!! I must admit that I was surprised the first time I saw the advertisement downtown DC recently. I myself thought that she seemed a little chubby and then I slapped myself for my own stupidity. I think that I'm so used to seeing really really thin women that even I think it's strange to see a "normal looking person" in the media. Cheers Dove!!
I pity the girl who ends up with a-h*les that think like that. I say girl because a real woman with self-esteem would date a man that loves her for the way she is and wouldn't want to change her to please his unrealistic fantasies. And why is it that a lot of balding, beer bellied idiots are the ones that make comments about how women should look? I bet they would shut their stupid mouths if us women start defending ourselves by telling them "Hey buddy look at yourself first, improve, and then start talking!"

I don't believe Dove is promoting obesity, why would they? It's unhealthy and nobody wants to be obese. They are trying to finally change the stupid unattainable goals that the media makes us have for ourselves. Their ads not only include that plus size model, they include an older woman with tons of wrinkles, a woman with tons of freckles and a skinny young woman with no breasts and those pictures make us think what exactly is beauty? Can an old lady that has never had plastic surgery be considered beautiful? Of course! She has lived enough for the picture to be taken! Living life, with its ups and downs, loving yourself for who you are without caring what people think or hating yourself because you don't like the way you look in the mirror. Now that's beauty!
Well said, Rose!

I wasn't sure if it would be an obesity promotion and I stated it that way because of many things that are going on in today's culture. For one thing, clothing sizes are being changed to affect the illusion of not being as "BIG" as one really is. That is upsetting to me!

Well, to my delight it is a very REAL promotion :)
Some of the same things we have talked about in the past regarding a size 8 purchased maybe 10-15 years ago is more comparable to a size 4 now.

We were watching "Sunday Morning" last weekend and a designer was measuring forms used by designers and proved that over the past few years "vanity sizing" is being used for illusion and to make the designers that do this look more favorable to the consumer.

Evidentely, the only designer that was still true to "form" was Anne Klein's upper end line of clothing. That sort of thing.

According to our Facilities representatives at work, office chairs are being made roomier to conform to society's expanding figures. It's the law of supply and demand.

My cube mate's husband is in the mortuary business. Evidentely, coffins are having to be expanded because of the same reason...growing body sizes.
A lot of people think that those Dove ads are promoting obesity because they show average sized or plus sized women in their ads. Unfortunately some people exercise and eat healthy and can never get below a size 12. I am glad you took a second look at the campaign.

On the other hand, has anybody seen Burger King's latest ads for the chicken fries (yuk!) that show skinny gorgeous young people eating them without a care in the world? Talk about promoting obesity!
I think it says terrible things for our society when people look at pictures of women and think that because they are not model thin (I think there are 10 women in the world that conform to those standards) but instead show women as we really are - tall, short, heavy, thin, old, young... that Dove is promoting obesity!

I agree w/ Rose - the adds for Burger King, or worse Carl's JR - now THAT'S promoting obesity. We have a restaurant here called Maggiano's that has portions so big that if my DH and I SPLIT an entree, we still have about 1/2 left over to take home. That's what causes obesity. Giving our young women images of different types of women only shows them that if they are not 'perfect' they are still worth while.

*steps off soap box and heads to gym to work off frustration at our own stupidity*
I have to say I love the new Dove ads! And I'm happy to say that the man in my life is a big fan too. We were discussing the billboards (currently plastered all over Chicago)a couple nights ago over dinner and he said he loves them - he finds the women healthy, sexy, and full of life. As much as I beat myself up about my own curves, it's great to see a company promoting realistic and beautiful images and to know that there really are guys out there who appreciate the more voluptuous among us.
I just saw one of those.
What struck me is that while the women are "bigger" than what we usually see on TV, in movies, in ads, they are toned and firm (some more than me!). So it's obvious they are fit and not just big.

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