

Hey, was just thinking of you. We just bought some purple candy peeps for Kennedy and I remember how much you like them. Hope you got yourself a pack! (or two!) Happy Easter! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/feiertage/feiertag-smiley-005.gif[/img]

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Debbie! I remember Honeybunch too! What happened to her? She was such a wealth of knowledge. And Donna too (gettinfit@39)--she never posts anymore! I miss them!
Speaking of Peeps...

My dad brought home little white chick peeps yesterday. I used to love them as a kid, so I ate a few, and oh my gosh they are so gross! Maybe my tastes have changed. Then again, my dad picked them up at the dollar store- last year's peeps lol?

Happy Easter!

Honeybunch became a Certified Personal Trainer and got a part-time job at a club in addition to her regular day job so I think she's likely pretty dang busy doing what she loves most :+

GettingFit Donna last I knew was working hard on mentoring others on another site in fitness. I think she works with women who have a lot to lose. She's awesome, both women are really!

Edith :)
I miss Honeybunch too. I know DebbieH that you know Honeybunch in real life so that must mean that you know she still hangs out here but just keeps quiet. (I should probably do the same!) Hope Honeybunch knows we have always missed her here.

Yes, I think both Donna and HB lurk from time-to-time. (Hi you two!!!) HB E-mailed me telling me she got her supply of lil' peeps! :7 Not sure what happen to Starlight6. (Ruth) Miss her too! I think I have her E-mail address. I'll drop her a note to tell her you miss her Linda.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yep, I still lurk, but less now with Cathe having gone all DVD. I feel like I'm completely out of the loop and you guys have gone on to a "bigger better" world. I mean I could hang out and talk about all the older workouts, but somehow I just know that hanging out and hearing about all the new workouts to come that I'll never be able to get would just hurt my feelings too much and I wouldn't know squat about them so I'd fade out anyway in time. So rather than be like the poor kid with his nose pressed against the bakery store window watching all he can't have, I figured I'd bow out gracefully and just fade away.
I have my grandson most days of the week, he pretty much lives here and visits his parents and my once super tight budget that only allowed me to get the "new Cathe's" if I gave up meat and did some really creative bill paying has now moved to budget so tight if you touched it it would pop on contact! Weekly diapers, formula, baby food and juice has killed any and all chance of me EVER affording a DVD player and being part of the crowd again, but that's life! I look at it like this: I may never do another new Cathe, but anytime I feel upset about it I can just look in Dantae's little face and be okay with it, he really makes life a better place for me!;)

p.s. A-jock, my hair is still gone! And still saving me millions on hair products I don't need!:7

Oh, but don't get it twisted, if I hit the PA lottery or get left some loot from a dead relative, I'll so be all over a DVD player and every Cathe I've missed since her going DVD in a nanosecond!:D

Just wanted to say I enjoyed visiting with both HB and Donna and wish you both well. Donna you are a very special Nana! bless you:)
Awwwww, Donna, I know what it's like. I remember not that long ago when all my disposable income went into rent and dental work and little else. But you still have your Cathe workouts and you're still doing them, right? The new ones may add a little variety, but the workouts you have are still great! I for one would like to know how you are doing and if you've been able to maintain your healthy lifestyle and amazing new body, so please let us hear from you so we can continue to be inspired!
RE: Getnfit - DONNA!

GIRLFRIEND! Good to hear from you!

Please, please, please DON'T stay away just because of the DVD Talk. You are one of the star Cathe-Ites, and I miss you terribly.

Of course, I'm sure none of us are worthy competition for Little Baby Dantae. But ya gotta remember your old (and getting older by the minute) Bald Friend here! }(

And yep, being Hair-Free rules. Most of my little follicles have come back to life but there are still a few random, startling pure-pink circles on my head that will not budge. And man, I'm totally cool with it. A quick zip-zop in the morning with my Mach 3 Turbo razor and I'm done.

Please don't be a stranger!

Donna, it's fantastic to see you here!

We have SO missed you! I agree with everybody else here -- PLEASE join us for our yakfests, at least on the OD forum. We miss your wise ways and wisecracking humor, and we would LOVE to hear about Dantae as he grows and gets more and more wonderful. You are a great woman in a zillion ways, and a huge presence here -- PULEEZ don't go away again! ;(

Hey, I've got an idea. Let's construct an Oldies but Goodies Rotation and do it with Donna, everybody. Donna, tell us which Cathes you have and consider it done! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
Donna! There you are! I was wondering what happened to you.

I don't post as much, but I remember when you did and it was wonderful to hear about your daily struggles and battles and how funny it was sometimes.

Don't go away. We love to communicate with you.

You can always update us on Dantae's progress.;-)

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lol2.gif[/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/l
Thanks guys:+

I have just about every Cathe (on VHS) with the exception of 2 or 3 of her earlier step videos. But I have everything else through the Body Blast Series. So anytime someone wants to put together a challenge I'm there! :D

I'll lurk more, I've lost most of my "mentees" due to various reasons, mostly because for most of them the concept of exercise was just too hard, they just couldn't believe in themselves and their ability to handle workout videos (Cathe or non-Cathe). It's been really sad for me because I just couldn't get them to believe that if they just tried hanging in there and even walking their way through most of any Cathe cardio, the weight would begin to move big time! I even used many people here as inspiration for the women who were 40+, but eventually each gave in to a different reason, it was just too tough or they just never emailed me again. Sooooooo, I have more time to myself online now and can afford to "lurk" more often! :D

RE: Donna -

Glad you'll be back with us more often.

Your experiences with your mentees is a sobering one. I must admit: I have often used your experience as an example to participants in my aqua classes, especially the newbies to exercise (very, very often those new to exercise will choose aqua). They are often very unsure of their own abilities to perform and to learn, as well as to get more fit, and I like to pull out my Getnfit@37/38/39 example.

I had a married couple begin my class about a month ago; they are probably in their late '40's and seriously deconditioned. They really struggled through the first class, but hung in there. I thought I'd never see them again. Well, they haven't missed a class since they started; they also took my advice and bought proper aqua athletic shoes, and more recently bought their own pairs of resistance mitts. They also asked me where they could get their own other equipment.

I thought, "The spirit of Donna is here!"

Don't be a stranger, kiddo.


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