Honeybunch ? - Leg Training



Hi! I've been trying to search all your past posts about leg training and getting nowhere. I remember that you tried Lower Body Solution and the Bun and Thigh Rocker.

I am having a lot of trouble getting my legs to respond like I want them to, PS, S&H, and even MIS get them packing on muscle pretty easy, but I really want a leaner look. I have been very consistent with cardio and I'm even upping my intensity on that and logging my eating to shed the fat.

I'm thinking about doing higher reps of body weight lunges, squats, plies, etc to see if I can streamline the legs a bit. I have Leaner Legs but haven't tried it yet since I've had knee problems in the past with the endurance type workouts. My legs looked their best ever when I was teaching step 3x/week and training for a double century bike ride (lots of high speed/low resistance spinning), but no actual weight training. Of course, I'm older now!

I would really appreciate your thoughts since I know that you have researched a lot of different aspects of leg training even before you began teaching.

Thank you so much.

After a 5 year search for something that would bring down the size of my legs, and reduce the "mush," I got a Bun & Thigh Rocker in May of last year. It has worked better than anything, including free weights, Cybex machines at my Y, Lower Body Solution, etc. I tried EVERYTHING, believe me.

I still use Cathe tapes, but use the B&TR instead of free weights when I do them. I use it exclusively, except for the leg extention attachment on my weight bench and some walking lunges.

Thanks for being so patient with all of our questions. So many of us have this problem, and it's nice to hear from someone who has found a solution. Can I ask how much cardio do you do and how often do you use your Rocker? Also, is your diet really strict?
I usually do 6 days a week of cardio, one day of which is real moderate walking (30 minutes) with a co-worker at a mall close to my place of employment (she is a lot slower than me, but it still counts!) and the rest is Cathe cardio, unless I throw in a Charlene Prickett tape. I'm on a CTX rotation for a few weeks, to give you an example.

I do legs with the rocker twice a week, and my don't think my diet is too strict - I eat junk food once a week on my Friday pig-out day, and the rest of the week I keep my calorie count to just under 1900. I keep a simple paper food journal in my purse, and log every morsel (have been for 2 years now, and this really helps), except on my pig-out day when I just shovel it in and stop at midnight.

Just Do It! :)

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