If I remember correctly, you're the one who knows a thing or two about power walking. I have two ruptured disc, and will never be able to run again. I need an intense cardio workout. I think I know where I can get a good deal on a treadmill. Can you power walk on one?
I ordered a bun and thigh rocker today!! I can't wait to try it! Can I use it with Cathe's lower body tapes? I'm not sure if I will ever be able to do Cathe's cardio again (weeping and moaning sounds). I think I can modify upper body and use her tapes for that. No more barbells on the shoulders. I need to find out if I can do lunges and squats holding dumb bells. I'm hoping the bun and thigh rocker will take care of my lower body.
I ordered a bun and thigh rocker today!! I can't wait to try it! Can I use it with Cathe's lower body tapes? I'm not sure if I will ever be able to do Cathe's cardio again (weeping and moaning sounds). I think I can modify upper body and use her tapes for that. No more barbells on the shoulders. I need to find out if I can do lunges and squats holding dumb bells. I'm hoping the bun and thigh rocker will take care of my lower body.