Honeybunch..a question (or two)


If I remember correctly, you're the one who knows a thing or two about power walking. I have two ruptured disc, and will never be able to run again. I need an intense cardio workout. I think I know where I can get a good deal on a treadmill. Can you power walk on one?

I ordered a bun and thigh rocker today!! I can't wait to try it! Can I use it with Cathe's lower body tapes? I'm not sure if I will ever be able to do Cathe's cardio again (weeping and moaning sounds). I think I can modify upper body and use her tapes for that. No more barbells on the shoulders. I need to find out if I can do lunges and squats holding dumb bells. I'm hoping the bun and thigh rocker will take care of my lower body.

Hi, Susan,

Sorry to butt in on your question to Honeybunch, but I just wanted to share my experience with you. I badly ruptured a disc in 2000 and then ended up in urgent surgery a year ago when the displaced disc started to crush my sciatic nerve. Walking was the only thing I was allowed to do for a couple months after surgery. I live in the country so it was a pleasure, and when I was ready I added in hills, and a super fast, arm-swinging pace. By the time I was six months out of surgery and allowed to try adding in other activities, I dusted off a Cathe tape thinking, okay this will be a brief effort, but I won't get discouraged. An hour later I had made it through the tape and hadn't gasped at all.

I realize that you may never be able to do impact again, and I wouldn't wish surgery on you unless it were necessary, BUT power walking got me into Cathe shape, if you will. Also cycling and swimming are back friendly.

I can't do squats with weight any more, but I do leg press on a machine. Lunges are okay. Dead lifts I can do w/ 35 lbs, but no higher (used to do 60-65).

Which of your discs are ruptured? There is a good book called "Treat Your Own Back" that might be of some helpif they are in the lumbar region. Sounds like you have a great attitude. That was the worst part for me...giving up the notion of my unbreakability.

Good luck.

Thanks so much Ann! Sorry to hear you have this also. My last two disc are the bad ones. (Can't remember the number for sure) A piece of one disc is on my sciatica. The pain has eased up considerably the last two weeks. The Dr. said it would go away in 6 to 8 months, or he would do surgery to remove it. I'm not sure what to do since the pain is much less than a few weeks ago.

I am so ready to workout again. Do you do the impact in Cathe tapes? Did you see a Physical Therapist?

I'm very hopeful that "disc replacment" will be perfected very soon!!! Have you looked into this?

Thanks again!!
You certainly CAN power walk on a treadmill - and keep in mind that you can walk anytime, and anywhere. It's a very low cost form of exercise - just be sure you have good shoes. I have power walked for 12 years and never had a walking related injury.

As for the B&TR, on Saturday I did Leaner Legs with it. When Cathe did squats, I did "Power Arcs." When she did deadlifts, I did the hamstring move, and when she did plies, I did them on the B&TR. Man, I was feelin' it for a couple of days later! You can do the "half-way-up" moves very easily on the Jake.

When Cathe did step-ups, I did leg extension, and when she did the one legged squats, I did them on the Jake.

I did 10-10-10 after that, and I was cooked. I won't do that again - I'll follow it with something less intense, like sitting on my butt on my Airdyne bike!

Just Do It! :)
Thanks so much Honeybunch!! I printed out your leaner legs workout. I can't wait to try it! 10-10-10 is one of my favorites, but I can just imagine how tough it would be after leaner legs.

Where can I find good information about power walking? How fast do you walk?

Thanks again!
Hey, Susan,

That's very encouraging that your disc is backing off your sciatic nerve. My surgeon told me that 60-80% of these ruptures will resolve themselves, so it sounds like you're going to be on the good side of statistics. I did see a physical therapist and I still check in with him now and then, but I'm pretty much as fixed as I'm gonna get, and I just have to stay in shape. I was very lucky that both my surgeon and my PT are athletic guys who could sympathize with my wanting to stay active personally, AND who were able to encourage me medically to pursue fitness.

I've done very little research on replacement, but am also waiting for the good news there. I think they're a little closer in Europe to developing some kind of material that won't just have to be replaced again very soon.

I can do imapct, but the price the next day can be high. Instead, I love step and kickboxing. With Cathe I do knee smashes instead of power 7's or 15's or whatever, and they keep my heart rate up as well. I think kickboxing is really good for strengthening everything in the pelvic girdle that's compensating for my lack of disc. Cathe's meticulous attention to symmetry in her step routines has been very valuable to evening out my leg strength.

I walk about 4.5-5 MPH. But I think I remember Honeybunch saying she got much faster than that, so I bet it can be done. If you have hills, you can get an interval effect going.

Good luck. I'm rooting for those discs to continue their retreat.

Ann, you have been such an incouragment!! I think I need to get a treadmill for when the weather is bad. I have some pretty good hills I can walk on.

I have a few more questions. When you do step to you do some impact? I tried All step and it was so hard to take out every little jump. Did your PT tell you what you can and can't do?

I ordered a yoga tape for back pain and Katy Smith's ball workout. I'm hoping these help. I also looked for the book you mentioned and found one I think will help.

There are about 4 or 5 places in the US that are expermenting with disc replacement. My husband's back is worse than mine - two disc are gone and two are leaking fluid. He goes to a Dr. in a Pain Mangament Center and he told him they are going to start something new. Somehow they inject some kind of fluid back into the disc. I'm not sure what the procedure is called.
I'm sure there will be something soon!

Have you tried Power Strike? Sounds like what I need, high intensity, low impact.

I'll be getting the new tapes on Fri. It will be bitter-sweet. I'm anxious to see them, but it will be discouraging not to be able to use the cardio.

Thanks again for all your help!
Dear Susan,

That is very hopeful news about disc replacement. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

I can do some impact, but there is pain the next day depending on how hard I push. I'm not supposed to run, row, do heavy weights with a bar on my back, or kick a ball. I'm terrified to swing a bat. Other than that, PT and surgeon have told me to listen to my body and do what I like.

However, you are seeing improvement with laying off, so I would stick with it as hard as it is, because you may completely recover, and at least it sounds like you will spare yourself surgery. I think continuing to do imapct and heavy squats may have worsened my disc before I was diagnosed properly. By the time I got a true diagnosis, I was a candidate for urgent surgery; I still have no feeling in the bottom of my left foot, and no reflex in my ankle. A few weeks or months of moderation are worth it.

Powerstrike is great. I also like Janis Safell, although her cuing is not great, her routines are fun. Find someone very knowledgeable about yoga before you plunge in if you're not experienced. Depending on where your discs are protruding, some yoga moves may actually worsen your condition. Discs have no feeling, so you have to be so careful.

I'm looking forward to the new tapes, too. A little bittersweet, but with a year of mofiying practice under my belt, it's just a new aspect of the challenge.

Keep us posted about your progress.


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