Ho w long did it take


New Member
before you moved up to advanced work outs? The only cathe tape I can do is her wedding tape.Is it okay if i never get to be advanced.
I think it took me a good 8-12 months of working out to finally get inot the advanced stages, and even then Cathe was almost too much for me. I had to just keep at it and let myself not finish teh workout for a few months beofre I finally got to the point where I coudl finish her workouts. Don't push yourself too hard, just do what you can, every time do just a bit more and eventually you will be able to finish the workout and you'll feel like you are on top of the world.

What I did to work up to Cathe's advanced stuff was to take small breaks throughout the workouts. For example, the first time I did IMAX 2, I got through a few intervals, modifying where necessary, and then walked around for a minute or two. I then did a couple more intervals followed by a break and so on. Over time, my breaks became further and further apart until now, where I don't take any breaks at all (I still modify some of the moves that my knees don't like).

Don't give up, you will get to the advanced level eventually.
i started working out in february.... i bought my first cathe's (BF, BS, ctx and the itensities) in june...

i do strictly cathe now cuz any of my other dvd's are too easy (i've since added everything else of cathe's except the two old all step workouts)

so i guess my answer is 3 months for me to go from couch potato to advanced
The first time I EVER started working out - it took 6 months before I bought my first ones (MIC/MIS). Then another month to be able to keep up with her. Worked out religiously for almost 2 more years, had a baby and then took a few years off and got all squishy again. When I started up again it took a very short time to get back into it. Maybe 2-3 months. I started with CTX and kept up pretty well, but nothing like I can now after just 4 months.

How long have you been doing it? You'll get there, but not if you don't try.
I'm not new to exercising. I do the wedding tape once a week, but i want to gradually move up to some of cathes other step tapes. Do you think her newer work outs would be a start?
She has made a new one for beginner/intermediate. It's called Basic Step and Body Fusion. There's another beginner one called High Step Circuit.

BSBF uses a full sized step and IMO would be worth the time and money investment because it would prepare you for her other step workouts.

For me it took about a year of doing The Firm Volumes 1-4 and 6, and I was 42 years old at the beginning of that year. Cathe was a quantum leap up for me.

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