
I have this pain, it is right in the middle of the righ glute and it also effects the hip area. I have had it before and it usually goes away after a few days, this time it's been around for a month. I can really feel it when I stretch for that particular area. I also can feel it when I walk up the stairs, if anyone has had this please share. I'm wondering if there is a muscle there?
Not sure, but it sounds like "Sciatica". Here is a description of it:sciatica

A syndrome characterised by pain radiating from the back into the buttock and into the lower extremity along its posterior or lateral aspect and most commonly caused by prolapse of the intervertebral disk, the term is also used to refer to pain anywhere along the course of the sciatic nerve.

Typically characterised by pain, numbness and/or weakness going from the back into the buttock and the lower extremity and most commonly caused by protrusion of the intervertebral disk.

If you put Sciatica in yor "keyword", it will come up with lots of info. I had it years ago when I first started jogging, but it went away on it's own??? Good Luck!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yep, I agree with DebbieH. I had this when I was pregnant with my second child. It seems that the baby's head was positioned in a way that pinched the sciatic nerve. When she would get in the 'right' or 'wrong' position it felt like someone was stabbing my butt with a knife. As she got bigger, her head wouldn't fit in my hip and the pain stopped. -joy
Hmmmm, I have feet troubles and I get very strange pain in my hip flexor, the muscle right at the top of the leg where thigh goes into torso. It gets very tight and feels like it needs stretching constantly. Stretching and ibuprofen usually do the trick.

I have never experienced sciatia but I know it is very painful and for some reason I associate it with back pain as well as leg and glute pain.
If it persists, consult your doctor!

Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
I just had my first treatment with a chiropractor. I had small pain in the lower back and tingling all the way down my low back to my foot. On the whole my spine looks good, but the last disk is smaller and compressed. He also says there is some inflamation in my hip area that is probably caused by a very old injury and asked if I ever fell and really jarred my bottom. My husband pointed out that I had fallen down the stairs when my daughter was an infant and took the jolt hard to protect her(she is 10). The DR said that very well could have been the start and it has taken all these years to manifest. My massage therapist told me for my issues, this type of treatment is best, because I was very leary to go to a chiropractor.
Guys, I don't have any back pain or tingling down the back of the leg, it's all centered around the glute, top of the leg/hip area. That's why I was wondering if there was a muscle right in the middle of the glute cos I can push hard on it and feel the discomfort. Someone had mentioned it could be from having one leg that is slightly shorter than the other.
Low back sress or injury can radiate pain into the gluteal area. This is why it is best to get the problem diagnosed and treated by a professional.

I am always being asked questions like this in my job as a Program Director for a corporate fitness center and although I have a pretty good understanding of applied kinesiololgy and some anatomy, it is certainly not good enough to diagnose injuries. So, I will tell you what I tell my members - get thee to a physician! :7

Usually when something flares up then goes away and flares up again it is a source of a problem that needs to be treated. It could be muscle shortness or weakness or any number of things. I hope you are pain free very soon!

>Guys, I don't have any back pain or tingling down the back of
>the leg, it's all centered around the glute, top of the
>leg/hip area. That's why I was wondering if there was a muscle
>right in the middle of the glute cos I can push hard on it and
>feel the discomfort. Someone had mentioned it could be from
>having one leg that is slightly shorter than the other.

I have a similar problem due to injury and occasionally one of my legs will get shorter than the other. I can usually sort this out by doing some stretches for my lower back and hip flexors but as I am under the care of a chiropractor (a good chiropractor will come highly recommended so try to find someone you've heard good things about) so if I can't sort out the problem by myself, I'll go and see my chiropractor who fixes the problem for me there and then (9 times out of 10.)

If this is the first time you have had this sort of pain and if you have recently noticed one leg has become shorter than the other, do go and see someone qualified because you can end up in all sorts of pain if you leave it unattended for too long.
- Lisa :)

Sorry to hear that you're having pain in your hip/glute area. It may be coming from your piriformis which is a small muscle that runs through your glute. If this little muscle gets tight it will pinch your sciatic nerve thus causing pain. Since you say your pain is specific and you can palpate it in the center of your glute, your piriformis maybe the culpret. What I would suggest is an anti-inflammatory. You might want to try moist heat as well. Have someone(DH) put firm direct pressure on the sore spot, have them use their thumb or elbow, try to tolerate this pressure at least 30 seconds X 5. It will hurt but should also feel good at the same time. The pressure will help break up the spasm in the muscle. The last thing I would do is stretch that muscle. 3 ways to stretch it are, 1: sit on floor with both legs extended,bend the sore leg and cross it over the good leg and gently pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder. 2: Lie down on your back with both legs bent, cross the sore leg over the good leg so that your ankle of the sore leg is resting on your good knee, using your good leg, bring that knee towards your chest. 3: Lie down on your back both legs extended and bend your sore leg bringing that knee towards the opposite shoulder. Hold each stretch at least 30 seconds and do at least 5 reps of each 3x a day. Hope this gives you some relief.


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