HIIT on itrain?

Not that I am aware of. There are a couple interval run work outs but I don't think they'd be considered HIIT. The intervals (both high and low) are several minutes each. They are more like the IMAXES. They are 30 and 60 mins long anyway so that's too long for HIIT.

The only one I consider a HIIT is a 20 minute iClimb. It peaks at a level 10 (which would be your absolute hardest point) and slowly comes back down. I've only done it on an elliptical but I'm pretty sure it could be used for a bike (or even a treadmill run if you can run 10 miles per hour or walk fast at a 10% incline).

Here's the breakdown:

iClimb 6 – 20 Minute – (19:31)
Levels 3-4 – 2:47
Levels 5-6 – 4:35
Levels 6 – 6:37
Levels 7– 7:01
Levels 8 – 7:43
Levels 9 – 8:05
Levels 10 – 9:21
Levels 5-6 (fast tempo)– 12:47
Levels 7 (fast tempo)– 14:30
Levels 3-4 (fast tempo)– 18:35
Levels 3-4 (slow down tempo)– 19:31

Kathy G
I'm currently using these as HIIT!

iTread 13 Sprints, 30 minutes
iTread 19 Sprints, 30 minutes for HIIT!

I use the runners numbers, and go even faster than that. They are AWESOME, and definitely get me to the point of "I can't take another step" that qualifies as HIIT! lol


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