High step question


Active Member
I'm looking in to some of the High Step Cathe videos. Right now, I have a gym sized Reebok step with three risers on each side. Is that sufficient for these videos or will I really need to go higher? Also, if I find another two risers per side, would that work or do I need a smaller platform to work on?
I'm confused, as from what I understood, the Reebok step only has two 'risers' (one each side) that you attach to the base in a variety of ways to get 6, 8 and 10" heights.

If I'm wrong, and the Reebok you're talking about actually does have risers (or is actually a Club Step), then I think it would be good to get at least an extra pair or risers, or whatever will take it to at least 12", which is an okay height for leg-press-type work, but still too short to use for sit-and-stand moves.

Whatever step you use, you can definitely turn it 'vertically' (so it looks 'long and narrow' instead of 'wide')and do most of the High Step moves off the end.

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