High Step benefits?


Hi Everyone! My high step is due today! I am so excited and keep watching for my UPS man. Just wondering how much of a difference high step training will make for me? Anyone notice a big difference when they added that to their routine? I bought the high step beginner DVD and high step advanced DVD, to start with, but won't be getting those for a few more days. I tried to do a search of previous posts but didn't find much... Thanks for sharing!
Hi Carolyn,

I love using the high step! For me, hamstring and glutes are the most difficult for me to "shape". I noticed a huge difference when I was doing Legs and Glutes three times a week.
HSTA is a great w/o for utilizing the high step also. If I recall correctly, HSTA came out in July then Cathe came out with her famous August 2004 Rotation ~ which is mostly lower body work.
Recently, I've significantly increased the weight doing step ups, but have not noticed a difference yet ~ just gets my heart rate up.
I highly recommend HSTA to add to your collection if you enjoy using the high step.

ETA: I just re-read your post, and I see you are going to get high step advanced. Yayyyy!:D
Susan C.M.
Hi Susan, Glad to hear the high step is working out good for you. I just opened mine, and am very excited to get started with it. I wasn't sure if the advanced workout would be too much to start with so I got the beginner one too, I figured between the two, I could figure something out. I really hope I see similar results, and should probably look into legs and glutes DVD as well. It can't hurt considering that DVD also has KPC, wait, did I say it couldn't hurt? Ha ha Take care
I really like the High Step and I think it has made a difference. I think because it provides more variety and more challenge for the leg muscles. I hate those leg presses on the high step but I love what they've done for my quads, hamstrings and glutes.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
Lois, It's funny you should mention leg presses. I've been trying to figure out what they are? I don't have any workouts with high step in it yet, I'm sure their very evil-Can't wait! Carolyn
They are very deceptive. It seems like all you're doing is placing one foot on the step and then stepping up with the other foot for however many reps. Doing this on the High Step causes your glutes and hamstrings to fatigue very quickly. Add a resistance band or a dumbell and you're toast!!


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi

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