
Does anyone know if I can do Cathes new circuit workouts without the high step?, I have a club step with risers and a weider step which hikes up to about 10 inches.
I have been procrastinating on these new ones though I love circuits, as, I was a little disappointed in the music in the blast series, it isn't really my kind of music to workout to.
But as I have seen a picture of the new ones, plus cathe and the crew look awesome, and I love circuit training, ( can you tell that I am convincing myself to get them)I dont want to kick myself if they are good, also Cathe gave me a hint that the music was mainly instrumental and some of it was like the old stuff, cross train xpress, slow and heavy etc so I may like them, but If I cant use it without a high step then it may be a waste of time.


Hotchick :)
I don't know the answer to your question for sure, but before the High Step was being manufactured, I used my original club step at 8 inches for the Pure Strength series in which Cathe used a "home-made" mini step.

I did eventually buy 4 additional risers so that my original step would raise up to 12 inches. It worked. I got a good workout at 12 inches. At 8 inches it was a bit too easy (I am 5'6"). I would think that you could use your step the same way at 12 inches.

Here's another way to look at it. 4 additional risers will run you about $35. You can buy the High Step for less than that amount and use your current 4 risers to have 12 inches of height.

So many options! Good luck deciding.
I'm like you Hotchick and would like to know HOW the High Step will be used and whether the original step with additional risers (which is what I have) will be suitable.

It would be good to know if the choreography will utilise the reduced size of the High Step or not.

A case of "watch this space" I suppose...
From the descriptions of the workouts, and the photos now posted, it looks like the high step will be used much as the Firm Fanny Lifter is used: at a lower height (8") for cardio moves, and at 12 or 14" for step ups. Before I got the high step topper, I often used my regular step turned lengthwise instead of the high step or the Fanny Lifter. I imagine that one could do the same with these workouts (if you have enough extra risers).
I think you'll need to know the choreography of the workouts first. If Cathe works only off the sides and the back, you could definitely use your club step lengthwise. If she does moves involving all sides, maybe not. I used to use a long step for all my Firms until the fanny lifter came out.
This is the real question, that I would like an answer to, it is whether cathe will be working off the sides and back of the step?, or if she will be using the front also for the choreo?.


why don't you post the question in exactly that way to Cathe directly on her page/forum. Lots of us here would like to know the answer!



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