High protien breakfast


Can anyone give me any suggestions for a high protien low carb breakfast? I've been eating atkins protien bar, I think i should be eating more before i workout
Do you like eggs? Cottage cheese? Smoked salmon? Canadian Bacon? These are key components for me when I am trying to boost my breakfast protein.
One of my favorite high protein/low carb breakfasts is fried egg whites and a couple pieces of Louis Rich turkey bacon. I eat it most weekday mornings and I never get tired of it. I will also occassionally have a small omelet with spinach and a litte feta cheese or asparagus and a little cheddar cheese, but the egg whites and turkey bacon is really good and simple to make before I head to work.:)
I have protein pancakes every morning. I make them like this:

5 egg whites
lots of cinnamon
1/2 cup banana
1/4 cup dry oats

Mix all together and pour into a preheated non-stick pan and let cook on both sides. Makes one huge pancake. Then I spread 1 tbsp. of natural peanut butter over the top. This is SO GOOD!

You can also add a packet of splenda if you need it sweetened.

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