High Impact? - First Trimester



I have been reading conflicting articles about high impact exercise during the first trimester of pregnancy. Can anyone help me understand the truth? I have been exercising all of my life - high intensity "forever." I would like to continue to do hi/lo Cathe, but I also want to make sure that is ok for the babe. Thank you for your knowledge!

8 weeks
Here you go...as per a previous post from Cathe:

During the first trimester the main change in your workouts is that you do not get your heart rate up super high (gasping for breath), which will also remain one of your priorities for the duration of your pregnancy. Sheila, our prenatal expert, and myself, who has been certified by Sheila, recommend that you use the talk test and/or perceived exertion test rather than a heart rate monitor or chart because your heart rate is already naturally elevated when you are pregnant therefore heart rate charts and monitors providing you with a false indication of your actual intensity. Your goal should be to say 2 to 5 word sentences at all times during your workout. How many days you workout will vary on your energy level. While you are pregnant, especially in your first trimester, you may feel nauseous, tired, and unmotivated all contributing to just how many days you actually do and/or how hard you workout per day. But the overall concern here is to listen to your body day by day and only do what your body is telling you it can do each day. If it says "no workout today" then take the day off. You may have a spell where you need a week off, you just never know.

Also, impact should be reduced as you get further along because your pelvic floor will be stressed and ligaments in the pelvic area extremely stretched to support the weight of the baby.

Hope this helps!

4 1/2 months pregnant with my son, Joseph.

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