Hi Everyone./Updates


Hello Everyone,
I Just got the New catalog :7
Wow I 've been away for along time Sorry:(, Been Very Busy. Between Work,Workouts, & Training for Special Olympics Events not Much time for 'puter time. My Most Recent Event was Cycling . I Competed in 1k, & 5k Time Trials, brought home a Silver & Bronze Medals. <Unfortunately> I Was Heated against regular 2 wheeled bikes. , I Have too ride An Adult Trike,<3 wheels> Oh Well. At Least I Beat My Times 1k 2:56.26, 5k 15:57.05.
Now I'm Training for Powerlifting :D, Deadlift & Bench Press. So Far My Max's are as follows Deadlift 165pds, Bench Press 80pds. So We'll see how I Get heated for this event, against Gals Or Guys or both? I'm digging out my S & H Tapes to supplement the training I'm doing with the trainer for these events. After Powerlifting, it's Swimming, then Cycling, etc. So it's Never ending Workouts. :p Oh well hopefully A Gold !!!!!!! Sometime!!!!!..
I'll post Results after my Meets.
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,
Jill Greedy

When you're on the start line, just don't look at the other bikes. Or, if you HAVE to look, just remember it's the engine that counts--and that's you! Have fun!
:) Hi Juliee,
Lol, Thanks, In Time Trials They Stagger the Starts it's not a True road race <in that you all don't start @ the same Time>, but you are heated against other racers.
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,
Hi Debbie H.,
Thanks:D , Ok I Will, I Workout with <Rich, The trainer I've been working with for almost a yr 1/2 now.>Just for these events. So Hopefully I Don't Let him Down!!!!!!
Take Care & Noblesse Oblige,

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