Again it's been a while but this past month even after I was feeling good for a while I am dealing with my older son who is 18 who finally admitted that he is an alcoholic after the fact that he got pulled over with open bottle in his car. He went to rehab for 10 days and now is going to out patient for 2 weeks and of course doing 90 days AA meetings. I am so stress over this that I can't even think straight some days. I been going up and down with crying a lot, worrying whats going to happen next and so on. He has been drinking since 6th grade 2 bottles of hard liquor and really didn't catch on but knew that he did drink but not like that. I do have alcoholic in my family so I know it runs in the family. He will be clean for 30 days this Sunday which I am very proud of him for this, but I guess as a parent you just worry what if he picks up again. Any advice please. TIA P.S. right now I am doing ok since my Dr had to change my med several times.