Hi Briee!

Hi Debbie, your so sweet to welcome me back (you are always sweet :) !
The trip home was much better than the one heading out. We drove all night and I think my dh is onto something.....at night the kids sleep and don't ask to stop for breaks, drinks, whine, etc.....very wise. So now I can say, I did Cathe in Florida and it's much easier I might add. I think it has something to do with sunshine, attitude, the beaches and relaxation - ha ha.

Now that I'm home, I'm hitting the workouts HARD and I'm very sore!! That stability ball is adding new pain, isn't it great!!!! Thanks again for the welcome home. (no we didn't get as much snow as you NE's, just a little, but enough to make me wish I was in FL just a little longer :) :) :)

We were in the Cape Coral area. We visited Sanibel Island quite a few times and went to Busch Gardens, etc..... Fun trip. How neat to live in that weather all the time (minus summer's as I hear it gets pretty sultry)!!!!

Hi again Briee!

Great to hear from you! So glad to hear the trip home was better! :7
Aren't the new workouts awesome? And, YES, I love the stability ball work too. You should have seen Dave & I both trying to do PLB pikes this morning right next to each other! He was rolling all over the place bunmping into my ball! We spend more time LAUGHING to get our AB work then on those balls! Of course, we have every excuse in the book...there's too much air in the balls, not enough air in the balls, not enough room for us both! Ha! I love it though and we are getting a TAD better. Glad to hear you had some fun and relaxation. You sure picked a great time to go down. I could use a trip down south right about now! I guess I'll have to settle for that Island Breeze & Pina Colada songs Cathe uses and pretend! Thanks for posting back.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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