Hi, back from a long time ago, some eating/exercise Q's...


I haven't posted here in a while, since I got pregnant with my twins last year. I was in great shape thanks to Cathe before I got pg. Now I have 4 kids, 4 and under. My older 2 are 4 and 3, the twins are 5 months old! I have no time to work out anymore! I have only had time so far to do free weights for about 25 min, twice a week for the past month. I want to add in some treadmill work but a little voice keeps saying it won't do any good unless it's 30 minutes at least 3 x per week. Do you think 20 min. 1-2 times a week will do anything for me?

I also want some ideas on healthy snacks. I often don't have time to eat a decent lunch or dinner but then I snack all day. With the holidays, my snacks are frequently brownies and sweets! I need something quick to grab and eat while I'm walking around tending to the kids. Today I had a banana and some cottage cheese but I think I need more ideas. The cookies and brownies are calling me.

I have lost all my pregnancy weight and am back to my original weight, but need to tone up, especially the mid section. I don't have time yet for my Cathe DVD's but we redid our basement and as soon as dh hooks up the tv/dvd again, I'm going to pull them all out and see which ones might be shorter. I remember there is one with 6 volumes that might be good to start?

Sorry this is so long but I really want to get in shape so I can take my kids to the beach next summer and feel good in my bathing suit! I think I have time to do that but I need to get into some better habits right now. At the end of the day I am so tired when the kids go to bed at 7, I just want to lie down. Maybe I can make a habit of going to the basement to work out a few nights. The twins still require me to get up a couple of times during the night usually so I can't really get up early to work out like I used to.

thanks for ANY advice. :) Candice
Hello Candice,

First off, congratulations on your wonderful family. Sounds like you are truly blessed.

Second, welcome!

Now, on to giving my two cents regarding your questions.

Treadmill- My personal opinion is that something is better than nothing. You would be going to two 20 minute workouts instead of thinking about 3 30 minute workouts and doing none of it. I'm sure as the twins get older and you and your family members settle into routines you might be able to carve out more time. But for right now, if 2 X 20 minutes is what you have, by all means go for it!!!

Healthy snacks- One of my favorite snacks is a rice cake spread with cottage cheese. You can also add stuff like a slice of tomato, some cucumber slices, some bell peppers to beef it up. Fruit is always a healthy snack. You may also want to check out some protein powders to mix with milk/water/fruit juice to whip up a shake. Nonfat yogurt is always good. Raw veggies with some cheese. Protein bars. Those are just some things that spring to mind.

Shorter workouts- You are thinking of the CTX series which is one of my favorites and perfect for those with time constraints. If you have the DVD you can do the workouts as is, just do the cardio segments (usually between 22-30 minutes long), just do the weight segments (10-12 minutes long, except Leaner Legs which is its' own workout), just abs, or even program in whatever you want to do. Cathe just released a new DVD called Timesaver which is similar to the CTX format. The workouts are between 38-48 minutes long. Some of the other new Body Blast DVD's are also in sections (hi/lo section, step section) so you could just do a section at a time as well.

Congratulations on losing all the baby weight. Of course you're tired, you have a full and active family. Whatever you can squeeze in in terms of workouts will get you on track for going to the beach with your family. Best of luck to you!
RE: Hi, back from a long time ago, some eating/exercise...

Whoa, girl. FOUR kids? My hat is off to you. Congratulations on losing your pregnancy weight, and for having the courage to have that many kids.

I think that once you establish a workout schedule, your snacking will either cease or cut back dramatically. Plus, it's that holiday time of year when cookies, chocolate and "bad things" are EVERYWHERE. So go easy on yourself in that department.

This may be a "stupid" question, but bear with me since it's coming from someone with no children...Would it be possible for you to get a babysitter for an hour (or two) a few times per week? This would be YOUR time to do whatever, especially get some exercise accomplished. Even if you were home working out and had someone to "deflect" the kids for an hour so you could have some "you-time." Is this unrealistic?

You have been in shape before, and you'll do it again. For you, it is a matter of having the time. I think that the fact that you're squeezing in mini-workouts here and there is not only admirable, but will definitely help you. Something is better than nothing.
Good luck, and happy holidays!
I think 2 times 20minutes each would be fine Trevor who is on the forum here says 20 minutes should be enough especially if you train hard Like Interval training I have been taking his advice I use the treadmill lots for my cardio So I warm up for about 2 minutes at 4.6 miles then do 1 and half minutes at 6.5 to 7 miles pper hour then 4.6 for 1minute and repeat til 20 minutes is up. I am not in atime crunch like you but I just wanted my cardio to be more effective and after about 2 weeks of this It si getting easier and I can go longer and faster
Congrats on your family sounds like mY Mom she had 4 kids under 2 years old and then actually had 2 more There are 6 of us I am a twin
Enjoy your kids they grow fast I have 3 and can't believe they 20, 17 and 14.
Oh 1 more thing since Iam now in my 42nd year I am doing more weights and less cardio and am actually getting smaller Love the weights

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