HGH question


New Member

Has anyone ever tried HGH (human growth hormone)
pro-factors. They advertise it on the radio. One
is supposed to feel 10 years younger. It's not
actual human growth hormone, but natural ingredients
that are suppose to act as a catalyst causing your
brain to produce more HGH (HGH is suppose to keep
you from aging). I've been on it for about 5 months
and I actually think it works. Maybe I just think
it is working.

I would just like anyone's opinion on this.

Again, this stuff isn't full of steroids or real growth
hormone. It's just suppose to make your body generate
HGH naturally. For the record, I'm not trying to sell
this or push it on anyone. Just interested in what
others may think.

Thanks all! Have a nice day.

- Glenn
Hi Glenn! I happen to be on Secretagogue One by MHP. I love this stuff! When I first started taking it I was very pumped, lifted very heavy and my cardio was far better; had much more endurance. So that my body doesn't get used to the product, I stay on it for 60 days and then switch for 30 days over to GL3 by AST. I'm also on Pyruvex by SportsPharma as well as Metabolic Thyrolean by Twinlab. Great products also. They have no stimulants in it. Reduced my bodyfat and have more endurance than I've every dreamed possible. I have a supplement expert through fortified nutrition that I consult with because I'm definitely not the expert! But the HGH is a great product. I swear by it. So try this cycle of going on and off it. Good luck! Kathy
Thanks Kathy,

When you have a moment, do you think you
could layout a plan? For example,

1) 60 days HGH (I know where to by this)
2) 30 days ???? (you can get it....)
3) 60 days ????
and so on?

If you have time, I'd appreciate it.
Otherwise, don't worry about it.

I didn't know one should switch, back and forth
to different stuff. Makes sense though.

Thanks! Glenn
Hi Glenn! The plan goes like this:

1) I take after my breakfast 2 Metabolic Thyrolean capsules with water. I tried following the instructions on the label but when I increased the capsules I didn't feel too good. After lunch or my afternoon snack I take 3 Pyruvex capsules. Take these for 2 weeks straight and then take 1 week off. And then do the 2 weeks again. At night take the Secretagogue One before bedtime for 60 days straight and take 30 days off.

2) When your off of the Secretagogue One, try GL3 by AST for only 30 days. You can put this into your meal replacement shake or protein shake. I tried taking GL3 just in water and its nasty! One thing I have to say about the GL3 is that I felt really, really pumped! That's exactly what my supplement expert said would happen to me.

3) I also take Micronized Creatine. If your going to use this please make sure you use only Micronized Creatine not the original Creatine. This is much more improved and will not give you any side effects. I place only 3 GRAMS and I do mean 3 grams, no more than this in my protein shake. You take 5 grams for men. Again, I feel very pumped but not as much as the GL3. I can lift heavier and have amazing endurance. I'm like a Duracell battery! Just keep going and going! I've definitely lost more bodyfat from these products and gained more muscle definition. You won't see results right away but after say 8-10 weeks everybody's going to notice a difference in you. Good luck and let me know if you need any more information. My best, Kathy
Hi Glenn! Go to www.fortifiednutrition.com website and it's free to become a member. Go into each of the products I mentioned and read each description and then I would talk to your doctor first about each of these. Make absolutely sure that you have no allergies and are healthy. I wouldn't want you to have any side effects. If he approves of them, as mine did, then go ahead! Also, if you have any concerns about supplements and your goals aren't necessarily the same as mine, please email Heidi Nussbaum-Schiff. She's the supplement expert. She's answered all of my questions very thoroughly and also has gone so far as answering weight training questions promptly. Good luck and let me know how you make out. Take care, Kathy

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