

Hi Marlene,

I wanted to tell you how incredibly happy I am with your "tank top arms" rotation! It is really sculpting my shoulders and arms like nothing else has! :)

I have the rest of this week, then 2 more weeks on this rotation, then I'll follow up with 3 weeks of S&H as you suggested.
Just wanted to tell you what a great rotation it is, it has really brought out definition in my upper body~thanks :)


*okay, I know somebody is reading this and saying, "I'd like to see that rotation...", :)
so go to search, and the key words are: "share your rotation for tank top arms" then scroll down to the post by marlene123

I am so happy my suggestion has been working well for you. I am always pleased to contribute my little bit of knowledge in the hope that it will somehow make an impact and add to someone's successes.

I admit that working shoulders, biceps and triceps three times per week is a chore but it is the amount I need to get cuts.

I am just about finished with a four week rotation of Slow and Heavy. That is so draining I could only do one other strength tape each week, such as MIS, working all body parts two times a week.

Although I have noticed increased strength and stamina due to Slow and Heavy I also have noticed a slight decrease in upper body cuts too. This tells me that I really do need that extra upper body session each week. The good news is that I will get back to the Pure Strength, MIS, CTX shoulders, bis, tris next week and I should be able to go a bit heavier in poundage than before as a result of strength gains from Slow and Heavy.

Keep it up Donna and keep us all posted on your progress.

I am also going to try this. I have been doing Donna's Fat Blaster Rotation, which I love. But, I am thru my 3 weeks. I had a post from Cathe about a treadmill routine that is good for slimming hips. I will do that twice a week, and throw in this arm rotation, and maybe one day of IMAX. I am going to have to work on this, but I am going to try your arm rotation. Donna, I am going to weigh Sunday, I hope I lost a couple of lbs. on your fat blaster rotation. I loved it just the same. It is my bloated time, so my results might not be a spectacular as they could be, but my pants feel better. Thanks again everybody for sharing!!!!

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