Hey Illinois girls!


Jess, Debra, Eren -

Wow, you guys aren't far at all. Are you guys all safe? My office didn't close again today so all in all I've shoveled for 3 hours total. I think I am finally done though... :D They said this morning we had 12 inches total yesterday, way too much!

Jess- You aren't far from Springfield at all, your girls are adorable by the way! We are the same age too, I don't know how you do it, 3 girls-you must have a lot of patience! :)

Just wanted to say hello & make sure my fellow IL girls are all safe!
Hey Jen!! Nope, we aren't far away at all. I've been to Springfield quite a few times. We always hit Lincoln's New Salem in the summer. ;-)

We are doing fine. Having fun playing in the snow!! My dh made it home from work ok (he only had to go in for 4 hrs) but said the roads were still not plowed well.

And thanks!! Cool on being the same age too! (although my big 3-0 is coming in May! :eek: ) Hope you're staying warm too!

And BTW, peeked at your picture trail & you look awesome!
Have you been to see the new lincoln museum? It is really neat!

Glad everyone is safe, I've never seen anything like this snow since I was little. I grew up about 40 miles south of Springfield in a town of 950 people, we used to get huge snow drifts when I was little!

Wow, I will be the big 30 in May also, how cool is that? What day? Mine is May 13th!

Thanks, I try to keep in shape, doesn't come easy though, I really have to eat well & workout... oh well, keeps me healthy too! You are in great shape too and just can't get over how adorable those girls are, they take after their mom! :)

Stay warm & safe!
I'm in Illinois as well, and we had two days of cancelled classes, very unusual: the last time EIU cancelled classes because of weather was in the 70's.

I ended up going in both days (note to self: Illinois is not as prepared for snow and ice as Minnesota, so check closing before takig off for work); must have been my Minnesota genes kicking in! It didn't seem that bad to me, especially yesterday.
>I'm in Illinois as well, and we had two days of cancelled
>classes, very unusual: the last time EIU cancelled classes
>because of weather was in the 70's.
>I ended up going in both days (note to self: Illinois is not
>as prepared for snow and ice as Minnesota, so check closing
>before takig off for work); must have been my Minnesota genes
>kicking in! It didn't seem that bad to me, especially

Hey Kathryn - Yeah my younger sister goes to U of I in Champaign & they cancelled classes for the first time since 1979 both Tuesday & Wednesday, she couldn't believe it either.

I am just so happy to not have to shovel snow for an hour before heading to work, my company nevers closes... :)
HI Kathryn,
I'm a fellow Minnesotan living in IL as well! Big change!

I have a degree in Speech Pathology (from ISU) and I'm aware that EIU has a reputable Speech Pathology program. Very nice campus!
Hi there Il girls!!

It's funny you say that about Minnesota...I have lived there as well and I think Il is much better at cleaning up the mess than Minn!!! I was surprised when school was cancel here on Tuesday...they normally don't do that...My DD goes to private school that wasn't canceled so I took her back and forth and the roads were okay....anyhoo...We are all fine here in Naperville....Back at school and everything running fine...We are expecting more snow on Saturday!! I am a Southern transplant....and I miss the warm weather! Hope everyone is well and keeping warm!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hey, I went to U of I!! Go, Illini, Go!

My dh's company closed early on Tues & had delayed opening y'day & they never close either!! My girls were out of school Tues & Wed also. They were happy to get back to school today to pass out their Valentines!! ;-)
Hi Jess,
Man, I have lived here since '96, that makes me feel old (although I am a little older than you and JenL13--33)! I guess I could say I'm a townie now. How about you? Are you originally from here? In one of your pics I noticed you were at Chevy's and I bet it was the one in Bloomington! Been there a lot!:9
Wow, been here since '96 too!! Nope, not from here but have lived in IL my whole life.

And yep, you know the place. It's my dh's fav! Wow, small world!! I'll send you a PM, I hate to put any more info here!
Hey everyone, Champaign area here. I don't know if Minnesota gets the amount of wind we do. We had to close work because out on Duncan road, nothing stopped the wind and the snow was piled 5 foot against the building, basically no way to get in. Yesterday we opened and part of the lot was still not cleared, so people were parking every which way.

I am surprised about the U of I though. My Dad taught there since 58, and I don't ever remember them closing and we had storms that shut towns down for 2 weeks.

The snow is pretty, but I am tired of shoveling!
Hello fellow Illinois people!

Brace yourself we're in for more snow tomorrow. :eek: I guess just just a few inches, but still. x(

It does look pretty, but I'm ready for Spring!

My kids wanted to play in it on their snow days (Tues & Wed), but it was just blowing around too much and was sooooooo cold. Maybe tomorrow. :) I had to go out yesterday and the roads were ok.

Stay safe and warm girls!


Oh, I'm in the suburbs south of Chicago.
Hey Dallas! My girls played out in the snow Tues & Wed, but not for too long. Although they outlasted me on Wed, my fingers were FROZEN! And yep, more snow is coming tomorrow!! Stay warm!

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