Hey, I need some help and I need to whine...just a bit....


Oh why is it when things are going so well does an BIG obstacle get thrown in the way?? I am finally really happy with my fitness level and my body and here comes the curve: hysterectomy. Yikes, I hate even typing the word. I have been battling abnormal bleeding since April, diagnosed with fibroid tumors in May, finally found a birth control pill that helped with the bleeding, without making me gain too much weight, then boom, all of a sudden we are back to major bleeding again. Ooh and the thought of abdominal surgery with the 6 week recovery time(aka the 6 weeks with no Cathe)is scaring me out of my wits. My question is this: Has anybody else ever had to take a forced "extended break"? And how much did this impact you? Jeeze, I have been working out for the past 4 years, only taking a week off here and there. I can not imagine not working out for more that 6 weeks!! I know I am whining, and my getting through this is far more important than losing muscle tone...but I simply dread doing this!! Donna.
Donna -- My heart goes out to you! Only fit people understand what a priority working out can be.

I want to encourage you to keep checking in with your "fitness pals" here in the forum for support. A few years ago I had to have my appendix taken out. I had something called "chronic appendicitis" and my appendix was perforated. Consequently poison was leaking into my system. I went to 6 doctors over an 18 month period and no one even believed I was sick. Finally I convinced my family doctor to do an exploratory laporoscopy and lo and behold they found it. Since it was already leaking, I had to have the old-fashioned appendectomy (the incision is about 4" long). I tell this story because it took me nearly 6 months before I got anywhere close to my former level of fitness. I couldn't even lift a laudry basket for nearly two months!

The thing I want to convey to you is that it seems forever when you want to work out but can't. Once you're healed, though, it seems like nothing ever happened. I also encourage you to walk if the doctor allows you. Physical activity of any kind fights depression that often accompanies surgery. Also, an movement is better than nothing.

My best--

RE: Hey, I need some help and I need to whine...just a ...

Last year I was out for about the same time as you will be. I had surgery on both knees. After about six weeks, I slowly started riding my bike. I was not pain free in 6 weeks, just able to move around more. I have been babysitting my knees all year. I have finally in the last few months, reached a point where I feel normal again.

During the recovery time I was so depressed about not working out (especially since my husband was going all gung ho on his workouts!). I could just feel my body getting flabbier and flabier LOL! Like you, I had been working out for along time, fairly constistent. But, as soon as I was able to workout, I appeciated it soooo much more than before. Be careful not to over do it when you get back into your workouts like I did. I went right into full pushups (mainly because it hurt my knees the other way)and tore my rotator cuff and that was as bad as the knee surgery almost! It took over 6 mo. to heal. So this past year I have had knee surgery and a torn rotator cuff. I am so careful in my workouts now.

I wish you luck and just try to remember that you will get to workout again and you'll love it even more than before.
I had a partial hysterectomy in November 1999 I had a huge fibroid tumor, my doctor said it was about the size of a football. It wasn't all that bad. I was in the hospital for 3 days only, when I got home I was pretty much out of it for about a week. After a week, I was moving around o.k., not too much of course but I tell you, that first day I was able to go and stand outside for about 10 minutes...let's just say the sun on my face has never felt so good. You will definately start feeling good enough to do things you shouldn't before 6 weeks, but I did as my doctor told me. After about 3 weeks, I got the o.k. from my doctor to take short, very short strolls...like a short walk around the block.

After my six weeks, I started back with stretching for a week, then very light aerobic workouts for another two weeks, then I went for it. I started back with my more intermmediate workouts and to my surprise, I hadn't lost too much in the way of cardio endurance and muscular strength...my muscular endurance suffered the most. But I can tell you in less than 3 months, I was back to my pre-surgery fitness level.
After I had exercised 2years with no breaks, I had to have the complete hysterectomy. I was hemmorageing and blood count went down to 5. It was a life or death thing, with fiboids of various sizes, the biggest being the size of a cantelope. I too had taken the birth control pills and deprovera to try to control the cycles. What a mess!! As a lupian, I had severe complications with hormones. I too was in a panic about my exercises.
But to answer your question...
do not fear...you will get back to your fitness level and then some. It took a while to do situps because I have a very long incision. It was 6 months before I could do any kind of situp but I'm now proud to say, my abs are flatter than at any time of my life. I'm almost 53.
Please allow your body to heal. Surgery makes it go through a tremendous trauma. Don't push yourself beyond reason. Take small steps and work up. That is better than taking a giant leap and have to go backwards.
To quote Donna...getnfit@39 Fitness is a journey not a race. That is so very true.
I could write a novel about this subject, but I won't bore you on this forum. :D
If you need someone to hold your hand, cheer you up or if you just need to talk with someone who's had the same experience, after you've had your surgery, please feel free to email me at home. [email protected] ((((hugs))))
RE: Hey, I need some help and I need to whine...just a ...

Hi Donna,

I actually have alot of experience with this because I have been chronically ill for over 20 years and have had to stop and start exercising many times.

I have found that supplementing with alot of stretching, yoga, ballet, balance work and those kind of things can alleviate the anxiety of not working out. I've also found that because I have stayed so fit all these years that when I do have to take an extended break, it is very easy for me to get back to where I was before.

In september, I was so ill, I was down to 82 pounds and 3% body fat and couldn't do much but stretch and meditate. But because I was so fit, I was able to gain enough weight and body fat in a few months to resume most of my normal activity and I am even stronger now than I was before, even though I am still very sick. I have amazed my doctors and everyone else at how quickly I "bounce back".

If you want to e-mail me, I can also give you advice on relaxation techniques and other things that help alot. [email protected]

Good luck
RE: Hey, I need some help and I need to whine...just a ...

Thanks to all you wonderful pals! I feel a bit better now about the whole thing, but still did not have the courage to call the doc today, cause I know she is just going to want to go ahead and schedule the surgery. The timing right now is lousy, I was hoping to hold off til Jan. when my mom can come stay and help with the kids(she lives in New England). Anyway, I know in my head that I can do this, after all, who lost 35 pounds and looks better at 40 than I ever have in my life, right??!! And Wanda, I just added you to my address book, cause I know I am going to need some hand holding!! I am going to phone the doc tomorrow and get a time figured out. Thanks so much for all your help!! Donna.
Donna, please feel free....

to e-mail me for support at any time also (I put my e-mail address in my previous post). I have not been through a hysterectomy, but I would be happy to give you any help I can.

Laura :)
RE: Donna, please feel free....

Donna, I'll be here if you need me.
Can you do the new laser surgery or will it have to be incision? Will it be complete or do you have to option to keep your ovaries? Ask lots of questions and be sure the doctors explain it in common language.
Alot of times they will perform a certain kind of surgery because it is easier for them... not what might be the best for you in the long run. I was in such a mess that it was a tricky surgery. Wish I had got a surgeon with a few more notches on her belt. You'd a though 200 would have been enough. !!! Will explain more in email.
RE: Donna, please feel free....

Donna, I just happened to think...actually my husband brought it to my attention just a minute ago....
They have a technique that wasn't available when I had my surgery. They can dissolve fibroids with a laser. Is this an option for you? This is something perhaps to ask you surgeon....or even better yet, a second opionion surgeon.
I am a person who believes in doing your homework...especially on something this serious.
While my operation ended up being a no choice and it had to be done right now.... before it got to that point, I checked out 4 second opinions. It was unanimous, so I knew the inevitable was coming.
There are a few more options today. So please do your homework. The parts they take out, you can't put them back in. ;(

You know actually, birth control and the depovera that is used to control the cycles, has now been discovered to make fibroid bigger in some of us. I found this out after the fact.....
Hi, First and foremost, my heart goes out to you during this trying time. I am a survivor of the same problem and today I am cancer free. My healing took a little longer than 6 weeks and before this set back I was very fit and healthy. Unfortunately, my emotions took over and I did nothing for my health or body for a very long time. Today, I am back on track, shy of about 10 pounds from my goal weight and grateful for all the support my family and friends provided during this time. Allow your body to heal properly with rest and good nutrition. Feel free to contact me directly @ [email protected]. I would be more than happy to talk with you, cry with you, hold your hand, whatever you would like. May God be with you and guide you and yours. Please let us know how you are doing.

Take care and God Bless!!

Iris! I am so glad that you are well again. Thankfully, it does not look like anything is cancerous, just your run of the mill fibroids. Thank you for your support....and like I told Wanda, I am a big chicken, so I will need a lot of hand holding. And Wanda, I am looking into seeing another doctor as well. There is another drug therapy she talked about at the last visit, but it throws your body into menopause, and there is no guarentee that the little stinkers (or big, in this case)won't just grow back. I would be able to keep my ovaries with the sugery, so no hot flashes for me hopefully for a while. And yes, I an still kinda attached to all my organs, this particular one I have no further use for since I have been blessed with two wonderful kids, and had my tubes tied after the birth of my daughter 9 years ago.....and I am almost 40 anyway. I have been reading a lot and there is a possiblity they could remove it without an incision....just go in and take it the same way the kids came out(sorry if I just grossed anybody out)....and the recovery time is about 4 weeks instead of 6. Laser sugery is an option, but again they may just grow back....I see the doctor next Friday, and in the meantime I am going to call another to get another point of view. Thanks again for all your help!!! Have a great weekend!! Donna.
RE: Hey, I need some help and I need to whine...just a ...

Donna, I am sure you will do just great! There are many here that will be glad to hold your hand along the way. (Me included even though I have not experienced this) Keep us updated after next Friday on what you decide and know we are thinking of you.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey, I need some help and I need to whine...just a ...

Hi Donna,

Well, I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I just wanted to let you know I've been exactly where you are right now. My situation was a little bit different than yours in that I had no choice. My uterus prolapsed so I drove myself to the hospital and had a full hysterectomy done two days later. I opted to have my ovaries removed because I had heard of so many people having undetected ovarian cancer. Anyway, I had my surgery done vaginally and I believe it was about four weeks before I could do much. I did do some lying floor work and light seated upper body work while I was waiting to get back into my full workouts. I felt like a different person after I had surgery! No more major mood swings from PMS and no more monthly cramping or bloating to deal with. I may be in the minority, but I was felt sooo much better after I had the surgery.
I was dreading not being able to work out but I got back into shape surprisingly fast. Thank goodness our muscles have memory!:7
You are in my thoughts and prayers, Donna. I hope all goes well for you. Put me on your list of email buddies!:D
Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif


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