Hey gettinfit, fitness goddess, deborah!!


Hi Deborah, are you the one who can get .5 lb weights to add to your dumbbells or barbell? I just got a new weight/barbell set for my birthday and it's exactly 14 lbs and I want to add a half to each end to make it 15 exact (or 20 or 30 or 40, you get the picture), also, I'm trying to move up slowly on shoulder work and I would like to add small increments to my hand dumbbells (yes they are the kind that you add regular weights to and clip the weights on, they came with the set). I seem to remember somebody being able to get these really cheap at some store. (I like cheap!!!) Let me know if I'm on the right track here or if you remember who it was....thanks so much!!

Hi Briee,

I can get 1.25 lb weights for $0.49 each. I think it cost $5 to ship them to Donna. Your bar would actually be 16.5 lbs. My bar weighs 13 lbs, so I started at 15.5 lbs when I bought these. Even though it's an odd weight, I can tell you it makes all the difference in the world when trying to increase your weights. It allows you to increase in smaller increments than a total of 5 lbs. I have been able to really push myself with my squats using these little babies! I've gone from doing 20 lb squats to 28 lb squats in just a month! Everytime I do squats now I increase my poundage by that 2.5 lbs (total).

If you would like a set, send me an e-mail [email protected] Use the subject line I WANT WEIGHTS! I use this e-mail address for a yahoo group I belong too & sometime just delete stuff that doesn't appeal to me. I wouldn't want to miss your e-mail! I'll send you my address & you can send me a money order for the number of weights you want. I started with 2, I now have 4 because DH & I workout together & he's even started using them.

Are you the one also who offered to pick up the magnetic plate mates for the dumbbells for anyone interested in having them? Please let me know. There was a thread a while back with the mention of instructors in the title and I posted there but didn't get a response.

Hopefully I have the right person in mind, if not, pardon the pestering! :)

Hi Angie,

I can't get the plate mates, only the barbell plates. I know they're available on-line but the site address escapes me. I think it might be on the "links" portion of Cathe's home page.

Thanks for letting me know, Deborah. I'll check out Home Depot some time soon. I also remember someone saying that you could buy magnets from there but to be sure to have them weighed first so you know what you're getting!

Have a great weekend! :)
Hi Angie, I just checked at my home depot here in WI, but they didn't have any magnets, if anyone else has any ideas where to get magnets, I'd love to know. I just can't bring myself to pay those platemate prices. There has to be another way!!! Their just magnets for crying out loud.


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