Hey Getnfit@38! Question:


You mentioned in your "Men Are Hilarious" post that you owned the Gilad Interval Training for Men workout. Being the interval junkie that I am, how would you rank Gilad's workout in comparison to Cathe's Interval Max?

Also, how the heck are you doing on your wonderful journey? In my aqua class I taught last night, a fairly new but devoted participant continued to demonstrate how much stronger and more vigorous she's becoming with each class, and told me after class she's lost 21 pounds in about 5 weeks and is interested in beginning strength training. I thought of you immediately!

I'm curious, if you don't mind my asking, how you feel your soul has changed as well as your fitness and physique. How are you?

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hi Annette, :)

question #1: Gilad's "Interval Training for Men" workout is a much easier workout than Cathe's cardio wise, his cardio is approximately 15-20 min of jumping moves (jacks, in place, jumping rope, etc.) And his weights segments are short and sort of "circuit style" moving from one body part to the next, then repeat the cycle 2x more for a total of 3 sets. That you can make of it what you want by going heavy w/weight or lighter. The 3rd segment is all floor work with abs and push ups, THIS you might enjoy since you are "Queen Supreme of the push ups!" He does 3 circuits of varied push ups and ab exercises. Then a cool down/stretch.
It's hard to rate this one, would I want it in place of any Cathe video? NO! But is it interesting enough to have in my library? YES! I rarely fall into those, "just need a good, quick workout for the day" days, but if I ever have 1 of those days where I'm pressed for time but want a good, quick workout for my whole body, cardio included, then this is a good one. It won't wear you out, but it will give you a decent workout! Oh, and I should add he has an all male crew in this one, no women!

question #2: I'm still traveling :) I'm on a plateau right now, in week 5 of it, but to be honest, some of it is my own doing because I had about 3 weeks of really "questionable" eating, so I just got my eating back on track, so hopefully the scale and tape measure will begin moving once again! :)
But I feel so wonderful words just can't describe it! More than the physical (outward) rewards, I love being stronger! I get the biggest kick out of carrying the most grocery bags in the house. Or picking up both detergents with one hand, and carrying a bag of 10#potatoes + additional bags of groceries in the other, and having my daughter look at me in amazement! :) And every time I jog up the stairs with some heavy load of laundry, or other heavy item I just feel so "empowered!" I don't think people realize how important "functional fitness" is, because we get so wrapped up in looks! My esteem has tripled! I am almost NEVER sick, and if I do catch a cold it's gone in 24-48hrs, but I rarely get them anymore, and I know it's due to working out and eating healthy. I use to suffer from bouts of bronchitis every 3 months prior to working out, but haven't had 1 since I started! And it's done wonders for my sex life! :) I think mostly because I feel so much better about my body that I feel more relaxed and confident. Overall, working out, and including some form of exercise in my daily routine has improved the quality of my life 100%. I love the way I look and feel and wouldn't trade either for $1,000,000.! :)

I just wish I could make my friends and family believe me when I tell them, "it isn't a chore! I love working out!" They don't believe it though, every one of them thinks it's just too much work.

We DO believe you, chick, & we're very proud of you. You're an example for everyone.
Hey Donna, I wanted to tell you how important I think functional fitness is as well! At this point it is one of the main reasons I am working so hard at getting back into shape. I have a two month old and a 20 month old who have to be lifted or carried throughout the day. Without all the weight lifting I do, I know I couldn't do all I HAVE to do everyday. For instance yesterday I was going into church and I was carrying the baby (17 pounds) in the baby carrier (10 lbs) on one side and my toddler (30 lbs) on the other side. So roughly about 60 pounds to carry. Lots of people asked if I needed help and I said I was fine. I was thinking to myself, I am SO glad I lift weights or I could never carry these kids around. Same goes to bringing in all the grocery bags at once. I am so lazy I like to carry them all in together so I don't have to make more trips! Here's to functional fitness! Heather

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