Hey Cathe Fans...

Ya know jilly, I just gotta say this at least once! :)

Clearly it must be me, but do you know that 1/2 the time I don't even HEAR the music in the background!? :) Either I'm breathing/concentrating too hard (aerobics) or I'm concentrating on my form, breathing and which muscle I'm working (weight training) to even focus on the music! :)

I JUST heard the background music in Imax a few weeks ago for the first time! When I see these threads I always think, "what music?...."
So for me, she could have bagpipes going in the background and I wouldn't know the difference! :)

I have been doing the CTX upperbody weights a couple times and have been struck by the percussion and Latin sound. I really got into the music this morning doing this tape. My husband commented on it, too, turning around and asking,a little baffled, "Is that Cathe you're doing?" I guess I'd like something like that--drums and Latin rhythms, percussion instruments, maybe like that band on hand in Gin Miller's Step Reebok tapes (although I wouldn't want the industrial-Goth background and outfits to go with it). Good question, Jillybean!
I love the music in Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Power Hour, Rhythmic Step.
Anything along the lines of that type of music, I would be in heaven, but I'll be happy with whatever we get!! :)
I know I won't be disappointed.

I always love the music that Cathe chooses for her videos. I especially love the music in RS, PH, and S&H. Just my .02.

I love all the music Cathe chooses. My more favorite ones are where the music is louder, for example, PS.
"ABC" by the Jackson Five. "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones. "Dancin in the Streets". Off the top of my head.
I love the music Cathe uses on her vids it really sets the mood for what we are doing i.e. cardio or weights. Not only that but she has the volume right every time.

A case in point "I bought Cher second vid long before I ever heard of Cathe (so forgive me)where Keli Roberts did a leg section after the initial cardio workout. I only tried it once and never again why the music it wasn't the songs but the volume the music was so loud it really put me of and I couldn't hear Keli Roberts over it". I have never used this workout tape because the music just irritates me.

I do like Cathe's music choices, and the tempo always suits what she is doing I even find myself recognising songs that I haven't heard in years keep up the good work.

Babs :-jumpy
I love the music playing during the plunge lunges on Circuit Max. I like the way it goes along with the moves and the light feel of it. Usually I don't hear the music much but sometimes it makes itself known, in a good way like during the Plunge Lunges or in a bad way (only this one time) during the cooldown of... Body Max, I think, where the music gets very loud. For working out it seems no or light vocals are best IMHO.
Oooh, those are all good ones!!!! Cathe always has the best music! Those would fit right in with her high quality productions!
I agree with bobadoo. Light or no vocals is ideal in video workouts. I love all the music in Cathe's tapes, however.

I really like the music choices in the CTX Series, Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Power Hour, S&H and Rhytmic Step (with the exception of the "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" in the second step portion - like someone else pointed out :))

Cathe....your music choices rock! :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
I happend to think music is very important, I feel like when you here for instance, eye of the tiger, or the rocky theme song, etc. I think it gets me more pumped and I push myself a lot harder when I hear an awesome rocking song.

When napster was legal (or half way legal) I used to download aerobic mixes and burn them, because when Im at the gym in aerobic class the music they have is awesome and gets me pumped, which by the end of cathe's tapes I need!!!

I think what someone posted is true that it should still be kept as "background" so we can hear cathe's excellent cueing!

RE: Cher Video!

And have you ever noticed that when Cher says, "I love this song!" it is a Cher song that is in the background! I guess someone doesn't have a problem with self love! I used to do that video a lot because it was the only step tape I had. I liked some of the songs on there, but they were way too loud! Funny.
Not sure... I love the music in PS BBA, but I also enjoy the music on all her vids, like others have said.

Has anyone done Body Pump? LOVE that music...it's like a party and really pumps, but I don't want to be singing to the Backstreet Boys everyday, ya know? Cathe has her own style and that's what keeps me coming back. Without the contrast from others, I'd die from boredom.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
It's true that I don't readily notice music alot of the time, especially if it's there just to provide a background rhythm. It seems to me that alot of the music used in exercise videos is quite similar and very repetitive (you'll hear the same Dynamix track in several different vids in a CIA series, for example)--that gets pretty old pretty quickly.

I do like recognizable songs in cardio videos (a la BodyPump and Christi Taylor...she evens sings some of her cues!) although if I really like and know a song, I'll sometimes concentrate on that more than on the task at hand! Cathe usually makes pretty good choices, but they fall more into the background rhythm category for me ("Uh, uh, uh, Everybody..." from Rhythmic Step comes to mind--perfect BPM, but that phrase just goes on and on...). Using more unsynthesized vocal material and generally less homogenized mixes in the new tapes might be a nice change. Just my 2 cents!
I'm new to Cathe, having been a Firm fan til I discovered her 6 months ago and I love the music! It runs through my head even when I'm not working out! I just gotta say that the music, interesting choreography, that extra 'push' and down-right fun has renewed, refreshed and re-inspired me - as a nearly 20 year work-out queen (started out with Jane Fonda's LP's!!!)
Yay Cathe...keep me going for the rest of my 40's, the 50's and beyond!
I have given this further thought over the weekend when I watched Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max.

Please no comments I was younger and foolisher, but anyway one of my favourite tapes (music wise) is actually Cindy Crawfords second tape(can't remember the name of it, its at home and I am at work). But I know it so well that just by hearing the songs I know how far along I am and what I should be doing. I have to admit I love that tape sorry I know I should be put in the corner for a time out.

Babs :-jumpy

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