Hey Aquajock!


Hi Annette!

I read your post in another thread that you lift about 56lbs for squats. I believe we're similar in size, I'm 5'2", and I was wondering if you could give me some pointers for getting the heavier weight up and down from your back? I usually use about 45lbs for squats. My legs could handle more but I have trouble getting the weight off my shoulders if I go over 45lbs, especially after I get fatiqued. I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt my neck. I seem to have more problem lowering the weight than raising it. I thought about a squat rack but since I work out in my living room I don't know how practical that would be.

I'd appreciate any pointers!

TIA :)

RE: Hey Lorax! Two words:



(BTW, 56 lbs. was an optimistic typo - I'm actually at 51 lbs, but I have no doubt that 56 lbs is in my short-term future.)

Like you, I got to the point where my legs could take more weight over a sustained period of time than I could safely hike onto my shoulders and maintain. I bought an All-Pro brand weight vest at my local SportMart (All-Pro also makes ankle weights of varying maximum weight loads as well), that has a zillion little inner pockets that you put 1/2-lb iron rods into to get the weight load that's right for you. My weight vest goes up to 40 lbs, and I'm not sure if All-Pro or any other company makes a vest with a greater total load capacity. (I do know All-Pro makes a 20-lb'er, but to me that's a waste of money, because your legs strengthen up so well!)

I LOVE WENDY THE WEIGHT VEST! Not only can I increase the weight load incrementally, like I prefer to do, but I can also evenly distribute the iron rods so that the loads aren't concentrated in one area, which helps with balance.

Be prepared for a couple of sensory adjustments: the weight vest will keep a bit more core heat in, so you'll feel hotter and sweat more during your leg work; make sure you're in a temperate and dry environment and you stay very hydrated. Also, because of your height, the length of the vest will be such that at the lower/bottom end of the squat or lunge you'll actually feel the bottom of the vest touching the thighs. No big deal, but it does take a bit of getting used to. Well worth it.

Check out your local full-service fitness equipment stores, or go online to Fitness Wholesale (www.fwonline.com) and check it out!

You go, you little turbo bunny.

RE: Hey Lorax! Two words:

okay~COMPLETELY butting in on someone else's question, but....

I too have the same problem on squats. I know I could handle a heavier weight load, but I can't get it safely over my head to my shoulders.
So am I to understand that the weighted vest is the equivalent to adding the weight to the bar?
Like if I wanted to squat 60#, then I'd add the weight of the vest + weight of the barbell to equal 60#?
RE: Hey Donna!

That's pretty much it. There might be a minor differential in workload given that the weightload of the vest is closer to the working muscles (hams, glutes, quads) than the weightload of the barbell, but in my experience so far that differential is very minor. And, the workload on the shoulders, traps and lower back is significantly lowered, which is good because those are not the targeted muscles!

It was so cool when I took 5 lbs off my barbell (which brought it to 40 lbs.) and put on my weight vest with 10 lbs in it the first time! Fire in the thighs and shakes! Added 1/2 lb the following week after that, and another 1/2 the week after THAT! I'll probably add the 5 lbs back onto Barbie the Barbell at some point just for masochism's sake, but my shoulders/back feel a lot more comfortable!

You go girl!


RE: Hey Lorax! Two words:

Hee, hee - Wendy and Barbie. What are your dumbells names?

I never even thought about a weight vest. That's a perfect solution! I have ankle weights that have those little 1/2 pounders that you can insert or remove and a vest like that would be ideal for increasing squat weight. I've had good experience with fwonline so I'm gonna check that out and I'm also going to Sports Authority Saturday so I'll see what they carry.

As usual, thanks for the good advice! (And of course spending my money for me! ;-) )


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