Hey A.J.!

Debbie, you are always so sweet and thinking of others. I'm waiting on AJ's poetry regarding the subject at hand. She is one strong woman in more ways than one!!!!!

RE: Just call me "Chrome Dome"

Hello, Debbie and Briee - thanks for thinking of me! I have indeed adapted to the shiny pate, although my husband is in a state of, at best, grudging tolerance of The New Un-Do. In fact, when he steeled himself at home that first night and said, "Okay, Dolly, take off your hat" and I did, he took one look and said, "OY, Dolly, you look like a little moon!"

:7 :7 :7

But seriously, things are going well. There has been precisely zero re-growth of the bare patches, but I gotta tell ya - getting ready in the morning has become a one-towel, "Splash, Scrub, Outta The Tub" proposition, even with shaving the scalp every a.m.

But wait . . .

Wait . . .

I feel a poem coming on!

(a work in progress)

In a long ago land and a distant time
Where the dreams and the memories go
A little-bitty bald spot began to shine
Looking for a place to grow.

Little Bitty Bald Spot searched and sought
When suddenly, behold and lo,
Little Bitty Bald Spot found a head,
Landed and started to glow.

Little Bitty Bald Spot had found A-Jock's head
Fortunate? It would appear so,
For A-Jock's head had plenty of room
For little bitty bald spots to grow.

Little Bitty Bald Spot called his friends
To join him in his happy new home;
Biggy Wiggy Bald Spot and Hugey-Wugey Bald Spot
Then landed on the A-Jock's dome.

The happy happy bald spots frolicked and danced
On the A-Jock's copious crown;
They frolicked and danced just a little too much
And more bald spots then came to town.

A-Jock sure was mad as h*ll
When the bald spots ran amuck
For when bald spots frolicked and bald spots danced
They always then wanted to . . . :9

And when the bald spots wanted to do that
Well, begorrah, what happened then?
The bald spots multiplied like little rats
And took over the A-Jock's brain.

(That's it so far. Where's my Pulitzer?)

Thanks again for thinking of me, ladies!

Openly Bald
RE: Just call me "Chrome Dome"

Did I once say that AJ was poetically impaired. I take it back, all of it, every last word. To what address do we send this pulitzer?


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