RE: Just call me "Chrome Dome"
Hello, Debbie and Briee - thanks for thinking of me! I have indeed adapted to the shiny pate, although my husband is in a state of, at best, grudging tolerance of The New Un-Do. In fact, when he steeled himself at home that first night and said, "Okay, Dolly, take off your hat" and I did, he took one look and said, "OY, Dolly, you look like a little moon!"
:7 :7 :7
But seriously, things are going well. There has been precisely zero re-growth of the bare patches, but I gotta tell ya - getting ready in the morning has become a one-towel, "Splash, Scrub, Outta The Tub" proposition, even with shaving the scalp every a.m.
But wait . . .
Wait . . .
I feel a poem coming on!
(a work in progress)
In a long ago land and a distant time
Where the dreams and the memories go
A little-bitty bald spot began to shine
Looking for a place to grow.
Little Bitty Bald Spot searched and sought
When suddenly, behold and lo,
Little Bitty Bald Spot found a head,
Landed and started to glow.
Little Bitty Bald Spot had found A-Jock's head
Fortunate? It would appear so,
For A-Jock's head had plenty of room
For little bitty bald spots to grow.
Little Bitty Bald Spot called his friends
To join him in his happy new home;
Biggy Wiggy Bald Spot and Hugey-Wugey Bald Spot
Then landed on the A-Jock's dome.
The happy happy bald spots frolicked and danced
On the A-Jock's copious crown;
They frolicked and danced just a little too much
And more bald spots then came to town.
A-Jock sure was mad as h*ll
When the bald spots ran amuck
For when bald spots frolicked and bald spots danced
They always then wanted to . . . :9
And when the bald spots wanted to do that
Well, begorrah, what happened then?
The bald spots multiplied like little rats
And took over the A-Jock's brain.
(That's it so far. Where's my Pulitzer?)
Thanks again for thinking of me, ladies!
Openly Bald