"Heroes" fans...


Any thoughts on the new season? I was a little disappointed in season 2, but I gave it a pass because of the writer's strike. I'm not sure how I'm liking season 3, to be honest.

I love Heroes -- I have enjoyed both episodes so far this season - I admit that's its not exactly what I expected, but I'm giving it a pass too and will continue to watch it and hope for the best!!!!!
I'm loving it so far...but admit that the writers can pretty much do anything they want since it's fantasy, ya know? But I'm re-hooked for sure!

I think Heroes is one of the best shows on TV. I am a bit put off by all the new characters. I prefer to get to "know" the characters and I am a little worried that with so many new players it will be hard to do that.

Debbie Russo
PS which hero power would you want? I think I want to be Hero Hiro :D
When I originally posted, I hadn't seen all of the second episode, but now that I've watched it all, I have to admit that I liked the "odd couple" element of Bennett and Sylar working together. I thought the first season was one of the best seasons of television ever, and I would just hate for it to degenerate into a big mess.

Which superpower? Well, obviously I'd like Peter's ability to acquire any other power...that would be fabulous! But so far as "single" superpowers go, I liked the muscle mimic power that enabled Monica to learn pro wrestling, double dutch, and kung fu. I could finally master those complicated step routines...
Ooh, LOVE Heroes. Debbie, ITA with you about the new characters. The superfast girl (I don't know her name) is really annoying to me, maybe she's just a bad actor? Or maybe I'm so attached to my current characters that I'm not giving her a chance, lol!

I definitely loved Monica's muscle mimic power. Totally cool!
Heroes is okay, but I prefer LOST

I find myself watching Hereos every week and I notice its slow moving most of the time and confusing. Im really looking forward to LOST!
I am a big heroes fan, but I think it is mostly leftover from season 1. My DH and I can always make each other smile by one of us saying "Save the cheerleader", and the other responds "save the world."
As of season 3, I just am not as interested, I don't have the NEED to see what happens next, and am a bit annoyed that all of the normal characters are going to be gaining powers, I thought that Mohinder (so beautiful with a sexy voice), Noah, and Ando provided an excellent, non-powered balance to the show.
OTOH, My husband and I have believed for 2 years that Mr. Muggles is more than what he seems. :D
Pardon my rambling, but that is where I am, and I will be watching tonight.

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