Here is MY gloating moment!!


I finally did ALL the plyo scissor thingies in IMAX!!!!

Actually, I did almost all of IMAX without any modifications except I am still too chicken to try the non modified version of the plyo's. You know the one, where Cathe says "Oh I know, I know....FIRE IN THE THIGH" Ok, well that is an understatement!!! I still do the 1 plyo-clap-clap version, but I can do it ALL!!

So, I have one more hurdle. Those darn PLYO's. I try not to squat so deep when I try the all plyo version, but man, it burns even still!!

Once I get through all of it I might try it with a 8" step. But every time I do it feels so unnatural, like my thigh angle is too deep. At 5'1, I don't think it is so bad just to stay at 6". I also find that when I keep my step at 6" I can really fly on all the airborne moves.

OOOOPPPSSS...and I cannot do all the tuck jump thingies. Sure is a whammy on the knees, but I did do 5 of them!!

I am getting really bored with IMAX 1 though and cannot wait for IMAX 2. For those of you who have tried IMAX 2, do you think training with 2 will help me get all the way through 1??? I am in the DVD crowd anxiously awaiting the arrival..

Hey, Congrats on getting through those scissors thingies. Those are killer. I can do all the other intervals except those things. Even the plyo jacks, no problem. My next goal is completing the scissors.

Don't say it was the creatine! It was you!

Janice and Sharon,

I was feeling wimpy and spoiled for getting IMax2 before I master IMax1! But now that I hear from you (great new fitness pics BTW!)I feel like I'm right where I should be.

I can just complete the plyo jumps.

The plyo jacks kill me. I have done about two thirds of that interval at my very peak. When she says "halfway through," isn't it really two thirds of the way through? By that point I am- um- 'impaired' so that's why I'm not sure.

After doing the up-lunges, those scissors just do me in. And the airborne jacks/tuck jumps, I can do 5 at my very tippy top best.

I feel in good company here.
Connie & Janice..

Connie~You are right. Cathe has already done 24 plyo jax when she says you're half way done. There are 16 more to go at that point=40 total! :-wow Kills me EVERYTIME!(Thank goodness she doesn't do 48!!!)
Janice~you go girl! Great feeling, isn't it?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I only credit the creatine Connie simply because my improvement seemed to be all of a sudden. I went from being able to do 10 scissor thingies to all of them. Really did not understand it. For months I struggled and thought it was not humanly possible. It really was amazing when it happened. But that is what Creatine is supposed to do for you, so I just figured it did!!
Janice, thanks for the update and congratulations on your IMAX accomplishments. This creatine thing is interesting, sounds like it helped a little, but I'm sure it was YOU (take some credit!!!!).

I feel like I could do Plyos till the cows come home, no problem, but those scissors are soooooooo tough. Cathe goes so low, I've gotten through them once when I was emotionally charged after reading the "holiday haters" site, but I didn't go quite as low on those last ones.

Until I quit nursing this baby, I will have to forego the Creatine, I'll just continue to reread that thread and I'm good to go....

That is just awesome! I'm glad to see you accomplishing your goals.

Looked at your pics and you are just lovely. Thanks for the visuals.



Not that you need it, but it takes a month to really kick in. You have to "load" it, or else give it time to "load" in your body if you choose not to take the hefty doses in the beginning..which I didn't, so it did take about a month. Hard to say right now about the lean mass gain, but anaerobically I feel as if I have much more power. I really have never heard anything negative about it. I am not much into supplements, but this one is a keeper...


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