

Hi everyone,
O.K I am so totally depressed just got back from the doctor and found out I gained 11 pounds in one month I am currently 23 weeks,the problem is I also gained 10 pounds last visit so far I have reached my 35 pounds at this rate I'll be as big as a house by the time I deliver.
I really have not changed my eating habits to see that much of a weight gain but my workouts have suffered because of fatigue.
I guess I'm looking for similar stories or a word of encouragement .
Pleae tell me there is hope after all the weight gain

P.S. I am also very tempted to start a serious exercise program to see if that would help but I know the baby comes first

What I'm most concerned about is water retention. How's your blood pressure? What did your Dr say about this to you? Are you having any swelling?

I'm not trying to freak you out or anything like that. Just trying to understand a little bit better.

If it makes you feel any better, with both of my previous pregnancies there was 1 month that I gained 7 pounds so it's not unheard of.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
He did say everything was o.k his exact words were don't worry everything is great the baby's heartbeat is strong and my measurements are right on.
Do you have any suggestions on healthy lunches I think that is where I am having trouble that and the sinful snacks which after today I vowed to get rid of them I also have been eating alot of fruits since I cannot stomach veggies right now.
If you can give me basic food ideas that might help
Thanks in Advance,
Well if your Dr is not concerned then I'm not :)

Let's see, for lunch I try to have a salad or a tuna salad or maybe some pasta. Notice I said try someday's a burger just sounds too good...LOL

Fruit is a WONDERFUL choice for you to have. I often have only fruit or fruit smoothies in the morning. Sometimes I'll add oatmeal later in the morning if I'm really hungry. Keep the fruit coming. I'm with you, veggies aren't that appealing for me at all right now. Maybe you could try some soups.

Feel free to post a daily menu if you'd like. Usually that helps me out a lot when I'm in need of help.

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
you know what Alli, that sounds like a very good idea maybe I can get some feed back from everyone just to keep myself accountable with my food choices I just am so scared to come out of this pregnancy with a 100 pound weight gain(which is possible since I am hispanic and LOOOOOOveee rice and beans)carb overload.
Hi Marisol. Your gain is not at all uncommon~ the 35# is the ideal, but everything can't be textbook, right? Every woman is different, and many end up well over that mark.

Through poor eating habits and NO activity, I managed to put on a whopping 85# in my first preg, a gain of which I only managed to lose 50# over the last 6 years. In the 8th month of my preg, my blood pressure was too high, so I had to lie down in the afternoons. This time, I vowed to myself to be a sexy pregnant mama, to wear fitted clothes (no tents), and to stay active and healthy. Now my blood pressure is GREAT and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. The diference, however, is that I don't get weighed. I told my OB when I came for my first visit that seeing the scale go up (despite my efforts to exercise and eat right) would only discourage me, and he said fine, you are healthy, you don't have to be weighed. I think this has helped me IMMENSELY, as I don't WORRY all the time about the numbers, and evryone tells me I look LEANER everywhere (except the belly, of course! LOL!). I can still wear all my jackets, cardigans, bras, some stretchy pants, etc.

I don't eat perfectly by any means, but staying active 4-5x per week has definitely helped, and in general, I reach for the most nutrient-dense food choices. I pasted my baby's ultrasound pic next to the fridge, so when I'm tempted to grab some processed junk, I reconsider and grab a yogurt and a string cheese, etc.

If you are eating to meet your hunger requirements only, you should be fine. Look out for the emotional eating~ this is what got me the first time around. I ate and ate and ate... out of worry, anxiety, depression, elation, et al. This time, when I have a craving, i will satisfy it with the smallest amount possible, and that's it. For instance, I was DYING for Shakey's Mojo potatoes on Sat, so we went, and I ordered a large order, extra crispy, with a Coke. I had a salad to curb off the hunger, then ate maybe 4-5 mojos and I was done! That's all it takes lately, and any time we go out, this regular plate-cleaner brings home half the plate!

Try to not allow yourself any junk until you've met baby's nutritional requirements (plenty of fruit, salad-if you can eat it, 4 glasses of milk, lean meats, FIBER, etc.). Then you might find you don't have room for the junk! Eat well, eat plenty, but make it GOOD-FOR-YOU food.

Just be aware, and don't let the number on the scale get you down. This is to be a very happy time for you, so fuel yourself and your baby with good, life-giving food. :)

Michelle in So Cal
Thank you I really do feel motivated now toeat healthier an ddefinitly the working out thing is a must I have been slacking so I am now recommitted to my workouts as of today.
The funny thing is all my friends and family think I look great and I am with you on the whole sexy mama thing.
Hi Marisol

I'm right there with you. I gained 7 pounds two months in a row...for a grand total of 22.5 pounds in 25 weeks. I'm only about 5'0" and trust me, it shows. Someone asked me if I was having twins and I told them that maybe the doctor should do an ultrasound of my rear-end. Sure, it got a laugh...but it still hurts to see my body getting so big.

I have heard that some women gain the most in the middle of their pregnancy and then taper off a little. I can't imagine gaining 7 pounds each month from here out.

I've been doing really great with the I, too, am going to try really hard to keep my eating habits in check. I am stunned by the power of the cravings and the insatiable appetite I have. Sometimes it's just a matter of remembering to drink my water or getting out of the house when the goodies speak to loudly to me.

Yesterday I cooked a whole chicken, cut it up in portions and had it today with some broccoli for lunch. I also had natural peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat toast for breakfast with some skim milk. I started writing things down so I can really analyze where my danger zones lie.

Keep your chin up and do the best that you can. I'm right there with you.
I think it would be great for you to post a daily menu. BTW, even though rice and beans are high in carbs (good carbs especially if you're using brown rice) it is also high in protein so don't knock yourself too much on that..k?

I'll be looking forward to your menu. This has inspired me to clean mine up! :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​

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