Help with video selections for mom


Active Member
My mom is 59 and in terrific shape, but she hasn't been cross training enough and isn't doing much strength training. She just lost the weight that she had gained when she started menopause. She has always had a muscular upper body naturally, which she would like to enhance and she really wants to tone up her lower body. I've got lots of ideas, but she has a short attention span and is not as time commited, she also doesn't have the best coordination ;-) I really want to help her find something she can stick with and thought I'd get some input from my fellow devotees! Thanks!
Why don't you try getting her started on the CTX series.I find that the coordination in those videos aren't to bad.If she doesn't have the time to commit to longer work outs these would be great.In just one hour a day she could have her work out done and there is probably enough weight work in it for her.
Another good one would be power hour.There isn't alot of coordination in that and she could do that one once a week.
That really all I can think of.All of Cathes' other tapes are probably to long or to challenging.And probably have to much cardio in them.
She could also just go for a walk and then when she comes home stick in the tape and do a couple of body parts.
Hope this helped,
As a fit 59 year old, I might be able to help a bit. Other than Cathy tapes, you may want to look at Tamilee Webbs "I want those..." series (arms, butt, abs, bod) They are all 15 minute segment tapes, and you can add #s as is comfortable. A number of the women I know are using them. They also come on one DVD. Corey Everson's Get Hard Arms (don't know exact title) is another short but supposedly very effective video that people swear by at video fitness forum. She might be interested in trying Pilates--there are alot of good pilates tapes out there, and at our age, flexibility is also important. The Marie Winsor set is very good.

Of Cathe's tapes, I like MIS alot, as it consolidates everything on one tape. Power hour is another.

Hope this helps.
Thanks! I've tried to get her into Pilates, but she just hasn't caught that bug! I happened to have done Coreys get hard this morning and I agree that it is great, but I didn't know about Tamilee Webbs videos. I will check them out!

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