I just gave birth to my second daughter last week. I was unable to nurse our first one because she was 9 weeks premature and would not nurse. I pumped for 3 months and she received breast milk for about 5 months. I was absolutely exhausted by the time I would change her, feed her, and then pump. I am trying to nurse our second daughter because I felt so guilty that I wasn't very successful last time. She did ok in the hospital. By the time we got home she was jaundice and had to be on a bili-blanket and receive supplements. During those days I would nurse her for 5 minutes then give her the supplement. I should have pumped the first few days of supplementing but didn't and my milk supply dwindled. She is off the blanket now as of yesterday but now I have to nurse her and then supplement her and then pump to get my supply up. On top of that she is awake for hours during the night. I am exhausted and ready to give up. During the day she nurses for about 45 minutes every 2 hours or less. I know that nursing is better for her yet the rest of my family is beginning to suffer too even though DH is very supportive. Please help.