Help- with next Kettlebell workout purchase


I have most of the AOS workouts. I am seriously considering getting the AOS- Empire State II the next time that they have a sale. My other option is AOS- kettlebell Clinic Vol 1. Which one would you get and why? Or maybe I should not get either?

I really wish that I could get only disc two from the AOS Kettlebell clinic with the elevation and Pinnacle workouts.

I always try to consider with each workout acquisition, what it will bring to my collection-- new sequencing, new moves, endurance vs strength etc.

Then again, I was thinking about branching out to new instructors. I have all of Lauren Brooks and Amy's KB Dynamics. I was thinking about Keith Weber or Steve Cotter or maybe you could suggest other instructors and their workouts? Any suggestions that you have would be appreciated.

Help with next Kettlebell Purchase

I know I've had the same problem as to what to get next.. I just got AOS Clinic, because I'm a beginner and wanted to get form down perfectly, however, I have heard from others that MB45 ( do a search and it will come up quickly) is reasonable $19.95 and really good. So I went ahead and ordered it the other day. Can't go wrong at that price and has gotten good reviews from others more advanced then I am.

Hope this helps...:D

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