Help! Which videos to buy??


Active Member
Hi Cathe,
I'm just getting ready to finally be able to purchase some more of your workouts. I already have Timesaver, Cardio Kicks/Cir.Max, Imax 2/C&W on DVD. I also have Body Max, Step Fit and Step Works on VHS. My budget allows for a five video purchase, but which ones? I was thinking of PLB, Supersets, Power Hour, Step Blast, and maybe Power Max. But I'm just so confused:eek: I want to make the best choice, so any advice you can give me would help so much. I should also mention I'm looking to get my legs down, not build a lot of muscle but to be lean. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Without even asking you another question, I'm going to suggest Legs & Glutes. I'm pear-shaped, and this one seems to be just the right routine for reducing lower body size, which is a constant struggle for me.

Now, I'm going to ask the questions. What workouts that you already have do you find yourself reaching for most? How does your current routine break down as far as cardio day vs. strength days? Do you like to separate cardio and strength or combine?

I'd rather give you an answer geared toward your preferences rather than just recommending my favorites. Look forward to your reply.

Hi Lynda!
Thanks so much for responding. I think workouts have really varied lately. I've been wanting to start a rotation, but I find it hard to find one or make substitutions with the few Cathe's that I have. Anyways, to answer your questions, I seem to constantly reach for the step workouts. I love Cathe's step especially, and I almost feel I have to force myself to do other stuff (kickbox, hi/lo - just to crosstrain because I know I'm supposed to :) ) But my main concern is as always to legs, mainly the thigh area. I have been trying to do L&G on my T.S. DVD, but is it that much difference than the regular? Also, I do like to incorporate a circuit workout at least once to twice a wk. for time constraint purposes mainly. I do find that when I do longer pure cardio, especially intervals it seems to help with the lower body. Anyways, any other advice you have would be wonderful. Oh and would you recommend L&G over PLB or even Leaner Legs?? I've also heard really good things about Leaner Legs too. Okay I think I'm just confusing myself further...:eek: Thanks again for your help.
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to get back. Just turned my computer on today.

Okay, based on what you've said you like and what works for you, I'm going to recommend that you get Step Blast and Rhythmic Step. These are my two favorite step workouts, and Step Blast has the added bonus of the Step Blast challenge at the end which contains interval blasts similar to those in Imax 2, which you said works well for you. You could get the original Interval Max, which is obviously similar to Imax 2, but I find it a bit tougher and not as much fun as SB and RS. I, personally, will almost always grab for Imax 2 before Interval Max.

As far as legs go, if you have portions of Legs & Glutes on your Timesaver DVD, you may not want to duplicate by buying that one, in which case I'd go with Leaner Legs over PLB, if reducing is your aim.

That leaves you with a few more purchases to devote to circuit workouts. I'd recommend Boot Camp, because it packs a lot of cardio and weight work in an hour and has some great leg work. Plus, it's just so darned fun. I think I'd probably also get Step, Jump & Pump, again because it's a great combo workout.

Those would be my suggestions. You seem to have similar preferences and goals to my own. When I first started working out with Cathe, I didn't have too many tapes either, so this is what I did. I used to devote Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to pure cardio (normally Imax 2 on Weds.), while doing a strength training workout on Tuesday and Thursday. I'd usually do a cardio/strength combo on Tuesday (like Cardio/Weights or Circuit Max) and a strictly weight tape on Thursday (like Power Hour or Muscle Endurance.) Then I'd try to squeeze in a leg workout on the weekend. I found that this sort of rotation wasn't as strict as a normal rotation and gave me the flexibility to grab for whatever called to me that morning.

Good Luck! I hope this has helped, and I'm sorry it's so long. Let me know how you do.

Definitely get Kick Punch & Crunch! I really like Leg & Glutes too if you want to buy the two on DVD. Step Blast in really fun. I would also have to say instead of Supersets, get both Pyramids. Also, Power Max is pretty dated, try Interval Max instead, or wait until you get all the new workouts before you try the old (in my opinion). Have fun!

Edited to add: I forgot about Boot Camp. It is packed with a good variety for your money's worth!
Hi Fitprincess! Based on what you wrote in your posts, here are my picks:

Leaner Legs
Boot Camp
Imax (original)
Step Jump and Pump
New High Step Advanced Circuit (only available on DVD so if you need VHS then SUPERSETS)

I like your suggestions. I'd like to figure out a rotation with them (or maybe you could come up with one?:7 ).

Thank you so much Cathe and everyone else for taking the time to give me your suggestions. There are just too many wonderful workouts to choose from :) Thanks again so much.

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