Help! Water retention postpartum


Hi everybody,

I had a baby 7 weeks ago, and am finally happily over my postpartum check (everything fine), and exercising pretty much normally by now. Suddenly I've noticed that I seem to be really bloated at times (sudden weight gains of 2 and above pounds). I'm really clueless as to what could be causing this, I eat pretty clean, I don't use salt anymore than before, I drink plenty of water etc. (and I've never had this problem before, though I have always gained about 2-3 "waterpounds" before my period). I don't know if it still has to do with baby hormones (I'm breastfeeding), or if tiredness (baby still eats a few times per night) can have something to do with it. Any experiences or ideas about what could be causing this? It's really frustrating, and I'm not even sure what my "real" weight after the baby is, as my weight seems to be fluctuating quite a bit! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Maria S
Congratulations, and come join us in our postpartum check ins.
If you have read any of my posts here, you'll know I always talk about boob weight. Depending on time of day, and amount baby nursed, my weight flexuated quite a bit when Alexis was first born. I was sure it was boob weight. Even now with alexis 5 months old, I notice a shift in weight. I've been weighing myself everyday at the same time and weight shifts by a pound an 1/2 from day to day. I think nursing is the culprit.

thanks for your answer, I think I'll gladly join your postpartum check-ins! Yes, you are right, now that you mentioned about it I remember something like that happening with my first one too. I remember that when I did stop nursing, my weight went down about 2-3 pounds! I just don't remember my weight fluctuating this much, but it's probably because I didn't use to weight myself so often (now I have every day), so I just didn't pay attention to it then. Maybe these baby hormones and nursing also make the body more sensitive to water gain in general, I don't know. But nice to hear others have weight fluctuations too!

Th baby is "calling", so got to end this for now, but I'll definitely try to join the postpartum check-in here soon! 'Til later,

Maria S
Hi Maria

I don't know what causes this either. My weight has slowly, but surely gone down over all, but I can fluctuate at times 2-3 lbs from day to day. It can be very discouraging psychologically. I mean I know I did not gain 3 lbs of fat overnight and all my measurements are the same, but it totally bums me out. Then next time I weigh, it is usually gone. Anyway, I hate it and find it totally frusterating.

Hope to see you at the post partum check in thread--

take care,
Hi Maggie,

sounds so familiar; I keep telling myself I couldn't have gained 3 lbs overnight too, but it is still psychologically discouraging, like you said. Thanks for posting, always helps to know there are others out there, too!:).


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