Help! Very embarrassing girl question...


Ok, I have got to be super dumb to manage this, but...
I've been trying to recover from all of the holiday spending and decided to do my own bikini wax. This part may be TMI, but bear with me - when I pulled the strip off, I ripped the tissue between the outside and inside "lips" down there. Now I have an inside, middle tear, then outside. So gross I know(and painful)x(
My question is, will that grow back together? I feel like I'm going to be disfigured! I felt to dumb to go to the doctor the other day when it happened, but now I might be reconsidering.
Hi - sorry to hear you're in pain. I would suggest that you see a doctor - at least put your mind at ease about healing and just in case you need something to prevent an infection or help it to heal.

Hope you feel better soon!
Hi - sorry to hear you're in pain. I would suggest that you see a doctor - at least put your mind at ease about healing and just in case you need something to prevent an infection or help it to heal.

Hope you feel better soon!
poor you. That sounds painful. I'd advise going to the doctor...or googling, or both. But I can tell you that I managed to burn myself once in the area with hair-removal cream that I, in my typical ADD self, left on too long. It was....bubbly and scary-looking and painful, but it healed quickly. I'm just telling you this to help relieve your mind about permament damage...but I also advocate the doctor's.
Just remember, that any doctor who has been in the profession for any length of time, has seen it all. Don't be embarrassed.

I really don't have anything to say but ... if you can't ask us girls these things we're in trouble! And don't feel weird. It could happen to anyone. It hasn't happened to me but I did't find it a strange question AT ALL!
I talked to my DH who is a 4th year medical student soon to be a ER physician. He suggested you see a gyn. They fix those types of tears all the time (like in childbirth)and I don't think they would make it uncomfortable for you.

Hello all,
Thank you for the advice and comfort. And it was good to hear someone (maybe LadyUnix?) has had somewhat of a similar experience.
Lindze- do they do stitches down there just like any other place? I wonder if it is too late for that since it has been a couple of days?

Aghh, thank you guys for making me feel comfortable with this problem. It feels good to have "friends" like you here, where we can actually share things like this!
Ouch! Hope you get some help with that soon.

(And you are very gutsy, trying to wax that area by yourself. I can see trying the 'outside the bikini' area, but anything inside that, I'd leave to a pro. Just thinking about it makes me cringe!)

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