Help! Questions for any beauticians out there!


New Member
This is a question totally unrelated to fitness, but I am in a bad fix, and it occurred to me that some of the wonderful people on this forum might be able to give me some advice.

I am currently unemployed due to a layoff, so I had my naturally curly hair "retextured" because it looks much more professional for interviewing purposes. My hairdresser used an ammonium thioglycolate product from Artec. There was some highlighting in my hair, but it had been at least six months since that was last done. Although long, (armpit length) my hair was in great condition. Now, about two weeks later, I am noticing extreme hair breakage at the joint between the straitened hair and the new growth (where my scalp line would have been on the day my hair was straitened). I am beginning to get kind of a porcupine look. In places, 1/4 - 1/2 of the hair is broken off. My hairdresser has refused even to see me until she has an opening in two weeks...

So, my questions are:

1. What should (shouldn't) I be doing to limit the breakage.

2. Are hair extensions a rational option, or am I going to have to get a wig if it starts looking too bad? (I'm still looking for a job).

3. What in the heck went wrong with this procedure? My hairdresser did not time the application, but the worst I would have expected was to have the ends fried (which they are). I never would have expected the hair to break off at the root line.

Wow-sounds like she left the product on too long.If a strong chemical like that is left on your hair for to long it will fry it and take the elasticity out of your hair-that would be why it was breaking.I would reccommend a deep conditioning treatment and do NOT brush it .Use a pick to comb through it....also what helps is not blow-drying it too much.hope this helps.
You need to get some protein and moisture into your hair! Two products to try are Nexxus Emergencee and Aphogee Hair Treatment. These are both pure protein reconstructors. After you use, you must follow with a moisturizing conditioner, either the Aphogee Moisture treatment or Nexxus Humectress.BTW, the Nexxus products are pretty expensive, but this is a serious situation. You can find Aphogee at a professional beauty supply store. Don't wait until you see stylist, you need to start treating it now.

Also, do not brush your hair when it'w wet (use comb) and try not to use any hot electrical appliances (curling iron, flat iron,etc.) until the hair is in better condition (dry naturally or use warm setting on blow dryer).

I'm not a beautician, but my husband is a stylist and we own a beauty-supply store, so I've definitely seen the problem you are talking about.
Stylist didn't time application?? Hmm! might need a new stylist
Hope this helps! Good Luck!

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