Hi...was wondering if anyone can give me some advice....took a 'BootCamp' class at my gym today. I was NOT happy with myself....they tested us on how fast we ran 1/2 mile, # of pushups we could do in 1 minute, and our waist measurement! HOW can I improve on these? MAybe I'm way too competitive, but I know I can be better....signed up for the class to lose the extra pregnanacy weight....I was REALLY embarrassed by my waist measurement....but anyway, besides actually running around the track and doing push ups, anything else I can do? Just felt like the instructor was 'laughing' at me, since I have never been this heavy or out of shape since they have known me....she actually asked when was I 'expecting'....DS#2 is now 13 months old.....I think she knew that, just wanted to make me feel like a jerk....I thought I was doing pretty good losing the extra weight, but that just set a fire in me and I am tired of feeling like this! So any suggestions how to improve on these?
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks in advance!!