Help: Need strategies for cleaning up diet.


Hi all. I see you all have so many helpful ideas and suggestions that I thought this would be a good place to ask about strategies for "cleaner" eating. I don't really need to lose any weight, but I think it would be a good idea to clean up my diet anyway, for better overall health :) . I have had no problems giving up chips, candy, sodas, pastas and bread, but am having a really difficult time giving up my true favorites: chocolate and coffee. And naturally my coffee isn't black coffee, but with those flavored creamers and I love iced mochas.

I have had such success with other things: making exercise a daily habit, adding fruits and vegetables, adding fiber and lean meats/fish and even limiting the fattier dinners my family loves by just adding more veggies to mine and having small portions of that kind of food. Unfortunately, this success hasn't extended to everything.

So, my questions to you are 1) Is it better to go cold turkey and make a clean break all at once or try one little bit at a time? 2) What are your favorite/best strategies to do this?

why do you want to eliminate chocolate and coffee from your diet? You say you don't need to lose weight. It is possible to be perfectly healthy and still drink coffee and eat chocolate. I am proof of it. I checked on my cardiovascular disease profile the other day from my recent medical records, and was glad to see I have excellent blood pressure ratings, low pulse, low cholesterol and high blood fats that are negative indicators for CD, ie. they protect the heart. And I eat cookies, I eat chocolate, ice cream, drink coffee (although decaff now). What's the problem here?

You don't have to eliminate everything from your diet that gives you pleasure. You don't have to become the dietary equivalent of a nun!

My Mum always said: "a little of what you fancy does you good."

Life is about pleasure, humand are about sensory pleasures and eating and drinking are two of them. You work out hard and regularly, you have cleaned up your diet in many areas, you don't need to lose weight, now enjoy yourself a little!

I am sooo with Clare. Work out hard, eat healthy but when it comes time to enjoy a piece of chocolate or a yummy iced mocha(with skim milk of course)do just that....enjoy. When I do everything in moderation I am less likely to get cravings and that leads to overeating in a very big way. Just a little sometimes is all you need. I am the biggest moocher when it comes to goodies. A coworker today had a yummy chocolate chip muffin....I nibbled the tiniest bit and that was all I needed. Take care, Donna.
I don't want to cut them out entirely, but just lately the cravings for these things do seem to be getting out of control, so I'd prefer to not have them so often. Coffee isn't bad on it's own, but I have been having too much I think. More than 1 cup of coffee does give me a stomach ache (painful cramping) and for creamer (French Vanilla, Hazelnut) I am at probably triple the serving size. And my mochas seem to be 24 oz, iced, skim milk which is probably more than I need to have and does lead to stomach ache, also. I gave up all bubbly drinks due to stomach aches and just want to find a way to cut back on my last favorite things. So, maybe a way to control this is more the issue. Any thoughts on this?
I agree with everyone that there is no reason to give these up since you are at a good weight and your diet is already quite healthy. See if you can find substitutes you enjoy. Instead of chocolate, nuts? Instead of coffee, chai? Instead of coffee, green tea with a dash of milk and even a bit of sugar? Water of course is many times the answer to a craving. I don't know you, but see if you can find some acceptable substitutes.
Strategy #1:

Throw a bar of soap in the fridge.

Strategy #2:

Eat all your meals in the shower.

Instead of focusing giving up your little treats, since you're happy with your weight and fitness levls, instead focus on why you're craving them more.

Is there something, like additional stressors, right now that may be causing the cravings. Focus on the root cause, if there is one...
First of all let me say that I personally think your doing MARVELOUS!!!!! If you want a little bit of chocolate HAVE IT. If you want your flavored coffee HAVE IT!! Life is so very short & from what I read your diet is perfect!! Your doing such a great job I wouldn't change a thing BUT if you feel you must then I would suggest using fat free half & half & use Splenda instead of those creamers in your coffee. As for the chocolate, no help here just eat a little bit!}( Kathy:D
If you want to cut down on the coffee, you could try a coffee substitute. There are some made from roasted soy or barley. I've never been a coffee drinker (like the smell, but can't stand the caffeine taste), so I don't know how good they are.

For chocolate (one of my cravings!) try some chocolate soymilk (maybe even in your coffee substitute?).

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