Help. Need IMAX substitution


I am trying to do the January rotation this month. This is the first time I've tried to follow a rotation, and I find it to be a lot easier than worrying about what workout I need to do today. Anyway, I recently bought IMAX off of the Ya Ya swap, but it is coming from England and it hasn't arrived yet. The last two days of the rotation for this week call for doing intervals 1-5 and then 2-10 of IMAX. What can I use as a good substitution?? I have almost all of Cathe's other videos except for the IMAXes. TIA

The CTX Step and Intervals workout has a good 10-minute, 3-interval routine that you could incorporate. Also, the MIC step section has a brief interval-style pop near the end of that routine. And, if you're interested in mixing cardio modes, throw in the Cardio Kicks power drills section, especially the first leg-oriented drills; those send your HR to the moon.

Also consider Boot Camp with its short, sharp 1-minute cardio intervals as well.


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