I started working out with home videos in 1985 after my daughter was born. I've been doing exercise on & off since then but consistency of exercise has always been a big issue with me. I do good for 3 mths then I take 6 mths off, then have a hard time getting started again x( . My goal is to lose 40lbs but the most I've lost is 20lbs. I found Cathe when a girl that I used to work with who was also into home exercise lent me Cathes "Get in Shape for Your Wedding workout". Since then I absolutely love Cathe Workouts!! I love challenging, make you sweat workouts (Cathe);). I still have the issue of consistency:( . In March of this year I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my lower back. Worst pain I have ever been in all my life!!After 3 ESI (steroid)injections & weeks of physical therapy I have never returned to 100%. I am feeling very blah, blah, blah because since my injury what I had once accomplished is now gone, I gained weight & have not exercised. I have been reading through the Cathe forums & photos & all of you have great self esteem. I need some tips on getting my motivation started again & keeping up the consistency once I get going again.
I think you already have the motivation, or you wouldn't be here. :)

I'm sorry to hear about all that you've been through. I can't imagine...

As for keeping up the consistency: the only thing I can say is that that will come with results. When I started working out, I had to force myself. It was unpleasant every day, for about two to three weeks. But when I started feeling better, and seeing results -- I wanted to do it. Then when I found Cathe, I was addicted! Not to say that some days I don't really look forward to my workout. But if I want to keep my new body, I have to work for it and earn it. Anything worth having, you're going to have to work for.
If it's boredom killing your momentum, you could always get yourself a new Cathe DVD. :D

Welcome back to the club!
[font color=green]Hi PinkPetal...I was exactly like you at one time! I would exercise at home for 3 months at a time and then not doing anything forever! I also got caught up in gym memberships I really wasn't ready for as well and again, would only go for a short while at best. All I can say is that one day it "clicked". Exercise became a part of my life instead of something I was just trying to fit in when I had time. I made it a priority and soon instead of feeling like I had to fit it in or force myself to do it, it became a habit. It truly became something that felt GOOD and that I needed in my day in order to feel like it was complete. This takes time though and nothing else. Prior to this, I agree with the above poster. It's all about seeing results. You have to be patient in the beginning but the results will come and you must feed off of those results in order to motivate yourself to continue on with your fitness journey....GOOD LUCK!:)
I suggest writing down some short-term and long-term goals and keeping the list handy --- read it at least twice a day. This way you are constantly reminded why you want to exercise. Set realistic goals for exercise ... perhaps a 30 minute walk to start with so it doens't seem like too much. Keep statistics (body measurements, resting heart rate, amount of time exercisng/week or month, etc.) so you can see progress without focusing on the scale too much. HTH, Deb
Thank you for the Welcome Back!! I already preordered the new Cathy DVD's and am excited about getting back into my exercise routine but by the way the new DVD's sound I definitely have some work to do before I attempt the new ones!!
I am happy to hear that there are other people out there that have felt the way I am feeling. Very true what you said about making exercise a priority and seeing results and best of all feeling GOOD!! Thank you for your responses I am ready to workout with Cathe NOW!!
I often think that I MUST celebrate my body and take care of it through exercise. I think about people who cannot do Cathe, whether they are in wheelchair, have an injury or an illness that prevents them from being able to workout.

It is such a GIFT to be able to, get moving!! :)
Hi, Pinkpetal. I know exactly how you're feeling because I'm there right now. The kids go back to school next week so I'm hoping that will help. I can't wait to get the new workouts. Maybe that will help. I find that if I plan ahead which workouts I'll be using instead of picking them out the day I'm doing them, that helps. Also, sometimes if I put a Cathe video in and just watch it, that will help motivate me. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Good luck!

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