Help me with my "fat" clothes?



I am not normally a packrat, but I'm having trouble getting rid of my "fat clothes." I've gone from a size 12/14 petite in jeans (my all-time high) to a 6/8 (same make and model, I'm 5-1)and about the same in regular pants. Maybe part of it is that I saved some of my "skinny" clothes and they are now loose on me, so maybe I think it'll all end and I'll wake up a size 12/14 again. I still plan on losing another 8 lbs. if I can.

I'm curious how folks who have lost weight/inches dealt with their clothes - I'm sure there's a deeper meaning behind holding on to them. If I hang on to them, they could either be motivation (keep this box closed!) or holding me back (I'm going to gain it all back anyway so might as well keep it).

As soon as stuff gets too big, I GET RID OF IT!!!!! I have a daughter in law who I unload my stuff on, and what she can't wear, she has friends who can.

I don't want that stuff around as a temptation to allow myself to get bigger. I also weed through my closets and drawers at the end of every summer and winter to get rid of stuff I know I won't wear, just 'cause I don't feel comfy in them.
Hi, Bearcat Rose!

Get rid of them in stages, from the ugliest stuff to the prettiest stuff: give half of the total of what you have to Goodwill and keep the rest boxed. Then, six months from now, give another HALF of what you've kept to the Goodwill and keep the rest boxed. I'll bet that by the end of the year, you'll just be bored and want to offload the rest to get some more closet space.

You will not wake up tomorrow to find all your progress gone out the window. (BTW, I know EXACTLY how you feel, and it's intriguing that you should put it so clearly.) Just stay with your program, stay consistent, stay progressive with your intensity levels, and you will be able to keep the good stuff you've worked so hard to earn. It may take a bit more time for your soul to catch up with your physique and fitness level, but that will happen too!

Hope this helps -

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hi Rose

When I lost weight a fews years ago I had a friend drag me out shopping as she quite rightly felt that I needed to change my wardrobe due to my weightloss. First we had a huge clear out we did it this way.

1. What no longer fitted.
2. Of what fitted what hadn't I worn in the last 6 months
3. What were you thinking of when you bought this

I would advice if you can get someone you trust who will encourage you to be adventerous, be optimistic and get rid of your clothes, your local Church or charity shop will always be happy to accept them.

Why not start getting a few things now and asking for say gift vouchers at your favourite stores (more in keeping with your size) and go shopping during the sales.

I'm with honeybunch, as soon as clothes get too big I get rid of them. I NEVER plan on going back to those sizes, so I ditch them. Now, I suppose once I get to single digits like 8's and 6's, I'll be a bit more careful about what I ditch, but at this point, as I've left every size I was just too happy to say goodbye! :)
The nicer things go to Goodwill, the other stuff gets tossed.

I agree with everyone, but don't forget to keep one pair of your old fat jeans for the before/after picture though! You know, you're wearing normal jeans, and standing in your fat jeans, holding out the waistband so you can see how much weight you've lost! :)
Isn't this a wonderful problem to have! I was stupid and got rid of all of my thin clothes when I moved a few years ago so all I have is "fat" clothes which are literally hanging off of me right now. I don't want to buy anything new because I have 10# to go until I reach goal #1 (where I was a few years ago) and 20# until I reach my dream goal (where I was when I was 18 years old). Luckily I'm a college student so I don't need to look all that great every day so I can get away with wearing very baggy jeans. I'm also kind of poor and my Cathe habit is expensive so I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe. I think that part of it is that I think I know what size I am right now but I'm afraid to go to the store try on that size and discover it's too big. I'm still too self-conscious to tuck my shirt in to the jeans but daily Pilates and Cathe ab workouts should help with that.

This last 10# is awfully stubborn and bound and determined to stay right where it is, on my lower abs and inner and outer thighs.

I can't really answer your question because although I have lost weight/inches (yeah!) I haven't dealt with my clothes yet. It's avoidance on my part, I think.
Since I began exercising with Cathe in the Spring of 2001 I have lost nearly 30 pounds, which left me with lots of clothes that were too big on me.

When I was heavier I did not enjoy shopping for clothing and tended to buy cheap stuff when I was desperate (telling myself I did not want to invest in expensive outfits I was hoping to not get a lot of use from).

Anyway, after I lost the weight I started to weed out the fat clothes gradually, giving them to charity. At first I was not sure if I would be needing them again and tended to hold on to some stuff. After maintaining the weight loss for 6 months I gave the rest away, except for some casual/dress pants that I like. I keep meaning to take them to my dressmaker for alteration. I think they can be made smaller to fit me and they are slated for that. If I ever get around to it. I am lucky that although I cannot sew to save my life I have found a genius with needle and thread that an alter just about anything. Her prices are very reasonable and her work is terrific. The clothing in question are winter type things so my plan is to get them to her and see if they can be salvaged. If not, off to charity they go to join their fat cousins that I have already donated.
Hi Rose - you described how I feel really well. I hang on to larger clothes because I too feel like I will wake up one day and find that they fit me again. I was a size 8 for so long that everything else feels kind of temporary. I've also not maintained a weight or size long enough recently to feel comfortable with it. As Aquajock puts it - emotionally I am way behind all the changes that my body seems to be going through. I guess the best thing to do is give away the stuff that you wouldn't wear even if you got big again and keep some of the more expensive and classic stuff. That will remind you of how much hard work you have put into your fitness programme and at the same time provide you with the comfort that the 'just in case...' side of you needs. My only advice is to hold off on buying too many clothes if you are planning to lose more weight. I thought I would never get smaller than a size 4 and went on a shopping spree. Then I bought PowerHour and Leaner Legs. Ever since doing those two tapes, all my lovely new clothes are way too loose. So just like another post said I'm going to find a weight and size that I have maintained for atleast 6 months before getting ambitious with the shopping again. Well done by the way. Its a great feeling when all your hard work pays off.
If you are "kind of poor," don't feel too proud to shop in thrift stores and consignment shops! You can get some real goodies real cheap and NO ONE will know where you bought the stuff!!!! I have lots of Liz Claiborne stuff that I got for a tiny fraction of the original price, plus Eddie Bauer, etc, etc. It save money for the IMPORTANT stuff like work out items!!!!

Except: I like to have a few "comfy" pairs of loose waisted skirts or trews (can't say that word "pants", it means undies where I come from!), preferably elastic waist, for the total body swell that hits two weeks before my period when beached whale is the look around town...

And maybe if pregnancy is a poss' on your horizon, perhaps some of those larger items could be stored in a box in the basement, for "just in case..."?


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