Help me pick some new cardio

Help me pick some new cardio

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This morning when I went to do cardio I realized I've done every single Cathe cardio workout in the last 2 weeks or so. I kept look at one & thinking "I just did that one," & I thought the same thing every time I pulled out something else.

Basically what I'm looking for is something that's super-intense but not very complex (I love Cathe's complex stuff, but I'm used to her style & moves--I get too frustrated when I try someone new if I have to keep stopping to review).

I did a search on the forums & these seem to be the most popular & intense. So please vote, & add comments (& add other workouts if I missed any).
Mindy Mylrea is pretty intense. She chats alot (I think she's funny), so if you don't like chatter, she might not be for you.

I like the Kimberly Spreen you mentioned, but it's not nearly as intense as Cathe.

Powerstrikes are great workouts, but if bad production quality annoys you (like it does me) then 1 and 2 might get on your nerves. I had #2 and the sound was so bad I gave it away (although, perhaps I just had a bad copy).

I know nothing about PlyoX, so I can't help you there.

I'm hugely into Cardio Coach these days, and Volume 4 using a recumbant bike just kicked my butt this morning.

Have fun with whatever you choose,
I vote for PlyoX.:) Very Intense and easy to follow.

Cardio Coach is also intense and great for varity. I use these with my stationary bike and treadmill.
I voted for Mindy's Kickbox Boot Camp. I love it! Her moves are not complex at all (I have two left feet) so it's easy to pick up. I also love her Extreme Intervals. I just did it last night and enjoyed it so much. It's intense but fun. I believe there is about 30 minutes of step intervals and 25 minutes of hi/lo intervals. Mindy is chatty and not for everyone but she makes me laugh every single time.
OK, I ended up on a little shopping spree. I didn't get Mindy's bootcamp b/c I want pure cardio, so I got her cardio toolbox instead. I also got 4 P90X DVDs--Plyo X, Kenpo X, Ab Ripper & I can't even remember the last one.

And I have a bid in on ebay for Powerstrike #2 (after reading everyone's reviews on the forums this seemed to be the favorite).

So, for the first time ever I'm venturing into non-Cathe cardio territory. Wish me luck! :+
>OK, I ended up on a little shopping spree. I didn't get
>Mindy's bootcamp b/c I want pure cardio, so I got her cardio
>toolbox instead.

Just be aware that quite a few people don't like Cardio Toolbox as much as most of her other workouts: it's not necessarily a good sample of her stuff.
hi laura

I think you should try kelly coffey-meyer. I just received her 2 workouts a couple weeks ago and i am loving them. She is easy to follow and really intense, also she has a good variety. good luck!
I got both of her workouts, she only has 2 right now. one is a step workout with 5-6 combos and intensity drills. she is a very good cuer and pleasant. her other workout is a circuit with short cardio and light weights, i really like the weight work it is different from anything i have done. her website is, she is filming a new workout soon, and i will be ordering that.
I found these on Collage. I previewed them and they look more athletic than dancey. Do you find that to be true? It's kind of hard to tell with a 60 second preview. Thanks for the information. I'm really excited to try something new.:D :D
Yes they are more athletic than dancey, I had been doing a lot of seasun zieger so kelly's was a nice change of pace for me. I really like her choreography as well. It gives your brain a break and I just had alot of FUN!! hope this helps
I also like Kelly Coffey-Meyer--the workout I have is called
"Get Ready, Step, Go." It is a good workout, and she's a great
instructor. I do her workout when I have exhausted my Cathe dvd's and want an intense workout.

I voted for Plyo X cuz it really works your legs and you can play your own music (it's that easy to follow). I also like Mindy's Kickbutt Bootcamp though. Its also quite intense, but if you don't like Mindy's "hyper" personality, stick with Goofy Tony.

or do what I'd do and get both!!

I second Kelly Coffey also. I like her and agree she's intense and pleasant.
Thanks Becky. That does help a lot. I'm not into the complex choregraphy. I like athletic and intense and it sounds like this workout is both. Thanks again. :) :)

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