Help ME figure out WHAT workouts to do...3 weeks left to go!



I am going to be in a wedding the first of December. I have been "doing Cathe" for a long time but I really need to make some dramatic changes.

I am wearing a strapless "shorter" style dress that is open in the back and fits tighter around the waist. It DID fit a month ago but since then I know that I have snacked a little too much here and there and my jeans are now tight!x(

I know what to do with the diet. I think I really need to cut the bad carbs, increase the protein etc....

But, I have done a rotation of Slow and Heavy and then a rotation of mostly cardio, for about 10 months now.

My arms feel "flabbier" now than they did this summer even though I have been trying to lift heavier each workout.

My question is....should I focus on CARDIO, and try to melt some pounds off, so that my muscles will show a little more? I would be happy if I lost 5-8 pounds.

I was VERY pleased with my body about a month ago, but with the stress of my life, I have really fallen off the wagon. I have continued my workouts though, about 5-6 times per week.

If ANYONE has any advice, I would really appreciate it!!!!!! You have always been awesome with your comments!!!

From what you have said it sounds like your focus should be super clean eating for the next three weeks. I am sure you have muscle if you have been working is probaly just covered up with some flab due to the excess calories from slipping off the clean eating wagon. As far as workouts, you can likely maintain muscle mass for three weeks by only working out each group once per week. That will free the rest of your workout time to focus on cardio to help burn off fat layers. Good luck!
If you've been doing the same rotation for 10 months it is time for a change.

What tapes/DVDs do you own?

Wearing a strapless dress...Personally, I had great success with Marlene's Tank Top rotation about a year ago. My arms firmed up tremendously & my butt looked great. Even though it's called the "tank top" rotation, you will work your legs enough to keep them strong.

Here's the rotation I used but if you do a search for "tank top rotation" you may find others...

"Marlene123’s Tank Top Arms Rotation

Editor’s Note: This has been one of the most popular rotations of Spring 2002, and it comes from Forum regular Marlene123. In a year’s time Marlene has lost 27 pounds and become lean and cut. Here’s how she achieved real “tank top arms”:

“Here is my current rotation which I have been doing for 10 weeks. I plan to do two more weeks of this, then two to three weeks of Slow & Heavy and then back again. I have had such incredible success with this rotation that I hate to let it go even for a few weeks but I know I must to cause some muscle confusion.
Anyway, here it is (and I admit, it's a killer):
Day #1: Pure Strength Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day #2: CTX Leaner Legs
Day #3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus cardio
Day #4: Cardio
Day #5: MIS
Day #6: Cardio
Day #7: Cardio or rest
As you can see, this routine works shoulders, biceps and triceps three times per week, chest and back twice and legs twice. I do abs 4-5 times per week as well.”

People also talked about having great success with this rotation...

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