HELP - I need advice!


Active Member
I need some help/advice. I got very ill earlier this year and as I was healing I got in a bad car accident. I had no injuries except from the airbag which bruised my sternum and ribs. I didn’t work out for 3 months. I gained weight – 30 lbs to be exact – and I am having a real hard time getting back into the workout groove. Before all of this, I was in good shape and consistent with following Cathe's rotation every month. Now I have a harder time working out because I am working out as a heavier person. I am getting very frustrated. I have started and quit but I have my mind set and I am back at it. My problem is that the Cathe road trip is in 38 days and I’m wondering what I need to do to be able to survive the weekend. Am I capable of getting back into stepping and working out routine by then? Is that expecting too much? On which of Cathe's DVDs should I put my concentration?

Any advice?

I don't have any advice but I can offer some encouragement....YES YOU CAN!
You can do this! I too have been emotionally eating and gained 10 extra lbs and boy can I feel it!:mad: I've managed to deplete my body of potassium to a dangerous level and also my vitamin K. I feel so tired but I push on! ;) The next 38 days we are in this together. Lets do it!
RT here we come!:p:D:cool:
Lisa, sorry to hear about your accident. I wouldn't put too much pressure on myself. You don't have to do every event.
I have been to fitness events where I didn't take every class. I just hung out and watch the others.

With that said, there will be people there of all fitness levels and weight levels so don't think that you will be sticking out like a sore thumb.

But to answer you question, if you have Low Impact Step or Basic Step, start with that. From my experience last year, Cathe kept the step moves fairly basic.

Lisa, I'm sorry for your recent rash of illness and injuries. HUGS! Just take it easy and ease into your workouts. The RT classes are not designed to KILL YOU, believe me! I PROMISE! They are designed to give you (US) the chance to workout LIVE WITH CATHE and meet some INCREDIBLE FOLKS! Nobody is paying attention to who weighs what, who gained weight since the last time we saw them (for us returning trippers), or what anybody else is wearing! Hang in there, and start slowly. Just take it one day at a time and you'll be just fine....ANOTHER PROMISE!

I can't wait to meet you and everybody else!

I need some help/advice. I got very ill earlier this year and as I was healing I got in a bad car accident. I had no injuries except from the airbag which bruised my sternum and ribs. I didn’t work out for 3 months. I gained weight – 30 lbs to be exact – and I am having a real hard time getting back into the workout groove. Before all of this, I was in good shape and consistent with following Cathe's rotation every month. Now I have a harder time working out because I am working out as a heavier person. I am getting very frustrated. I have started and quit but I have my mind set and I am back at it. My problem is that the Cathe road trip is in 38 days and I’m wondering what I need to do to be able to survive the weekend. Am I capable of getting back into stepping and working out routine by then? Is that expecting too much? On which of Cathe's DVDs should I put my concentration?

Any advice?


Come and do what you can Lisa. I had a neuroma removed from my foot about 2 months ago and I am just now getting back to stepping and even that is low impact. I am doing "low jacks" instead of jumping jacks! I am determined to go and modify anything I have to. The workouts are only part of it. You are gonna have soooooo much fun!!! :eek::eek:
Thanks! I appreciate your comments and support. I know that I don't have to finish the workouts and can sit out ... but it kills me to do that. Especially when I was able to do all of the workouts during the 2008 trip.

I just want to be in the best shape I can in the short time I have ... as in use my time/workouts wisely.

So far I have been able to do Cardio and Weights and High Step Circuit. I also did the lower body weights from the 4-Day Split yesterday and this morning I did Pure Strength Chest/Shoulders/Triceps. I can keep up for the most part but I struggle a LOT more. And in the weight DVDs I have had to drop the pounds I can lift significantly.

I haven't dared to try any of her Imax workouts or Step Blast DVDs ... but I want to!

It's really great to have a support group like this!
Come and do what you can Lisa. I had a neuroma removed from my foot about 2 months ago and I am just now getting back to stepping and even that is low impact. I am doing "low jacks" instead of jumping jacks! I am determined to go and modify anything I have to. The workouts are only part of it. You are gonna have soooooo much fun!!! :eek::eek:
Thanks, Catherine. Modifying - great idea!!! I forgot about "low jacks" ... I will definitely start doing this on her tougher cardio routines. Maybe that will get me through some of them.

I'm sorry about your foot. I guess I'm not the only one struggling! I'm not happy you are struggling but nice to be able to commiserate with someone.

I'll be modifying too!!

Thanks, Catherine. Modifying - great idea!!! I forgot about "low jacks" ... I will definitely start doing this on her tougher cardio routines. Maybe that will get me through some of them.

I'm sorry about your foot. I guess I'm not the only one struggling! I'm not happy you are struggling but nice to be able to commiserate with someone.


Hi Lisa,

Sorry to hear about your illness and acccident. That has to be frustrating. I completely understand how you are feeling right now. I am struggling a bit too.

I have a bulging disc and some other fun "business" at my L4-L5 that is causing me a lot of sciatic nerve pain. I haven't stepped in quite a while. Pretty much can only do walking or elliptical for cardio (I can't even bike because it hurts when I sit) and I can lift weights. I've gained some weight and I just feel "bleh".

However, I am still SO excited to meet you and the rest of the wonderful, wonderful people on the "Cathe Boards" and of course, Cathe!!

I'll be the one in the back marching in place ;)

Hi Lisa,

I'll be the one in the back marching in place ;)


I was just gonna suggest that there's always marching in place. There is no shame in modifying. No sense in killing or injuring yourself to "perfom" at the RT. I'll sit in the back and watch if I have too :p
Hi Lisa!! I am sorry to hear all that has happened to you!! I had a baby in 2007 and gained A TON of weight I am still struggling to lose it and get my body back!!! then a couple of weeks ago I strained my hip/quad so I am just starting to workout again. I understand how you feel!! I can tell you that the RT classes are super fun and very doable!! I was nervous about going to the 2007 RT and I had a great time and no one judges you!!! It's amazing how fast and easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose!!! Soo frustrating!!
Hope to meet you on the RT this summer!!
I was just gonna suggest that there's always marching in place. There is no shame in modifying. No sense in killing or injuring yourself to "perfom" at the RT. I'll sit in the back and watch if I have too :p


And I'll stand in the back (cuz it hurts to sit) and watch if I have to :p
I'm still average when it comes to endurance (probably intermediate but not advanced) so I plan to do a lot of sitting, marching, pacing, drinking water etc. Not to mention stopping to blow my nose (does anyone else's nose run when they workout or am I just weird?)
[QUOTE (does anyone else's nose run when they workout or am I just weird?)[/QUOTE]

No you are not weird, my nose runs when I workout and when I eat or drink anything.
No you are not weird, my nose runs when I workout and when I eat or drink anything.

Oh good. Glad it's not just me. I've never actually taken a class so this will be a totally new experience for me (unless working out with Jodi in her totally-cool-basement-workout-room counts)
Don't sweat the workouts. There will be folks of all different shapes and fitness levels there. Just enjoy the weekend and be inspired for when you return home. You will be slim and fit in no time!

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