Help!! I hurt my knee


Well, I guess I've been doing too much too fast. I sit at a desk all day and when I lift weights my arms develop really fast, but my legs don't seem too.

I worked my legs out last night and felt fine. This morning was fine. When I walked up some stairs at work my knee hurt every time I stepped. It got worse as the day progressed and just started hurting all the time! Stairs up and down are awful! And now when I bend my knee it feels kind of swollen.

It stinks! I'm really trying to get in shape for the beach and for trying for baby # 2 later this summer. Now I don't think I can really walk or anything until it heals. I'm wanting to lose about 15 pounds and really do some toning.

I was thinking about continuing my upper body and maybe doing some type of yoga now. I suppose I could do floor work for my legs. What do you think? Can you recommend any Cathe floor routines. I'm fairly new to Cathe.

Shell, I'm sorry about your knee. What workout were you doing? In February my doctor advised me to stop squatting and lunging for a while as they really did a number to my knees. I used Cathe's floor work in PS Legs and PLB, and the ankle weight premix in L&G. I also modified my squats, lunges and presses based on the advice of my friend who's a physical therapist. I also did more kickboxing and stayed away from Cathe's step routines, especially those that had lots of plyometrics. It has been two months and I feel much better. I'm not saying you should modify your leg routine for this long, but do listen to your body and see how long your knees really need to rest. My doctor suggested a week. I took longer because my knees said so.:) Do think about having a doctor check out your knee just to make sure. Hope this helps.

I'm not qualified to give you any advice but as someone with chronig knee pain myself it does sound like there's fluid in your knee. Feel with the back of your hand if you can feel a difference in skin temperature between both knees. If there is, you probably have an inflamation as well.

I always do the following: icing it a couple a times a day for no more than 15 minutes at a time. No LB workout for a few days. UB workout should be OK. Rest the leg as much as possible. If it doesn't get better go see a doctor.

Hope it gets better soon.

The first thing to do is let a doctor look at that knee! You should ice it frequently throughout the day and rest it when you can. Consider Glucosamine Chondrotin as well for joint repair. And rest it until you feel solid. If I were you, I would not work it at all, even walking, until you are feeling solid again. ...I've been there with the knee injury, can you tell?

As for exercises, when you are up for it, floor work is a good way to make some difference without stressing the knees. It is in quite a few workouts. Which ones do you have?
Thanks for the advice everyone. My knee still hurts today. I think this is the worst I've ever hurt it. Usually one side or the other hurts. But this time it all hurts. My knee cap even hurts to touch it. I definitely think it is swollen today.

I have PS legs - I've only done the standing leg portion once so far (I haven't had the DVD very long). I also just got the Body Blast Series but haven't done the leg section.

I just starting walking on a very very hilly route plus maybe using too much weight when exercising. I think I just over did it.

I think I'm just going to cool it for a little while until my knee feels better. I've read that just sitting with legs straight out and just lifting the leg can help the muscles around the knee. I think I'll try that tomorrow if my knee feels better.

i was going to suggest that perhaps you had runner's knee (not just for runners) "chondromalacia patella". that's what i have. but my knees only hurt going down the stairs and getting up from sitting. (and of course lunges and squats were out of the question). i didn't have soreness to the touch though.

definitely get to an orthopaedics doctor, a sports specialist if you can. mine gave me one of those cho-pat braces (he saw no arthritis when he did x-rays) and told me different exercises to build up the quads. i'm finding doing wall squats has almost completely relieved the problem. and no more 90 degree squats or lunges.
i was going to suggest that perhaps you had runner's knee (not just for runners) "chondromalacia patella". that's what i have. but my knees only hurt going down the stairs and getting up from sitting. (and of course lunges and squats were out of the question). i didn't have soreness to the touch though.

definitely get to an orthopaedics doctor, a sports specialist if you can. mine gave me one of those cho-pat braces (he saw no arthritis when he did x-rays) and told me different exercises to build up the quads. i'm finding doing wall squats has almost completely relieved the problem. and no more 90 degree squats or lunges.

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