Help -- I feel chest presses in my shoulders!


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I just got MIS and I love it! (I've been doing the Firm for years, but this is my first Cathe workout. I got MIS because of rave reviews at

Only one problem -- I'm obviously doing the barbell chest presses wrong because I don't feel them in my chest, only in my shoulders. I've listened to the form pointers over and over, and my form seems right as far as I can tell. It seems to help a little when I lay on the floor rather than the step, but I'm still not isolating my pecs well enough. Do you have any suggestions?

BTW, it's great to see that you're putting all your workouts on DVD!

I'm not Cathe but I have had the same problem for the longest time. I found out my form was correct but I wasn't lifting enough. I went up to 15# and didn't feel it really. Didn't let my arms drop below step hight. Even doing it w/out step was doing it ok. But found when I was doing s&H and used 20# I felt it right away and for the rest of the wk. I was so sore, but good sore (if you know what I mean). Perhaps try a heavier weight if your form is correct. I wish they had 16 - 19#, that would be perfect.
I also have the same problem. My form is correct as well. I have come to the conclusion that my shoulders must be my weakest muscle as far as the chest, tri, shoulder trio is concerned. Any exercise that hits those, such as the push up and bench makes my shoulders burn first and the worst.

When I do lateral raises, I only use 5# and my traps and shoulders burn BAD after about 5 reps!!! When I do the presses in MIS, it seems to help if I really try to straiten my arms more and lift with my chest only. Hard to describe, but it helps. My biggest problem was with the balls of my hands hurting (I use dumbells). I would get done working out and my hands would hurt!!! Thank God for weightlifting gloves with this one!!

I will be interested to see what Cathe has to say on this one....Janice
Hi Darcy! Try to maintain a shoulder retraction while you are doing the exercise (think of keeping your shoulder blades in contact with the step).
I have this same problem as well. Maybe it is true that my shoulders are weak and I am feeling it in themas a result. I had never thought of that! You aren't alone!
A quick update

Thanks, Cathe and everyone, for your helpful comments!

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has this problem! I used to take BodyPump classes but my shoulders would give out partway through the song on this exercise and I'd feel like a total wimp.

Janice, I think you're right -- my shoulders are probably a weak point, so I'm going to work on them and see if that makes a difference over time. I did MIS again last night and was able to isolate the muscles a little better by keeping the barbell near the top of the range (keep my arms straight, like you suggested). Thanks!

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