Okay, I am a one confused little piglet these days. Let me see if I can explain. I am gaining weight. Not a good thing for someone who has worked at losing for the better part of 31/2 years. Now, mind you I am pretty much at my "ideal weight"...I am 5 foot nothing, and was weighing between 112 and 114 and that was okay with me. Everybody I know can not believe I weigh even that much...all that Cathe muscle I guess! I was doing body rx before the holidays, no cardio, doing Slow and heavy. Things were stable, I always wanted to weigh 110...don't ask, I know dumb, but that was the # stuck in my head. I decided maybe I needed to up the cardio and try to lean out a bit...I know I have all these great muscles, but perhaps my body fat was still a bit too high. I got ctx which I love and have been doing it since Valentines day. I am gaining weight. My clothes are a tad tighter, and I am getting a tad bit upset. Now I am not eating perfect, but I do watch what I eat about 90% of the time. What is going on?? I was doing CTX 5-6 days a week, trying to hit all the groups at least once a week. I have switched now to using CTX for cardio(every other day)and doing PS the other days. Does anybody have any suggestions?? What am I doing wrong?? I am not unhappy at the weight I am now(about 116), but I do not want to keep gaining and doing all this hard work! HELP! Donna.