Help for Knee Probs & running


I really enjoy running but after about 2 miles my knees really start to bother me. I bought running shoes, wrapping them, even running on a nice outdoor track but no matter what they still bother me. About 2-3 mins after running, the pain is gone. This is the only time i have knee pain. The only other time i possibly experience knee pain is doing front lunges(squates and the leg press are okay). The pain is not so much in the knee cap area but in the ligaments right below them. Does anyone have any advice or opinions on a good pair of sneakers or exercises to maybe strengthen my legs? I really want to stay with running, the other machines(maybe a bike and rollerblades) are the only other exercises that I feel I benefit from.


Hi! Usually strengthening the muscle around the knee helps. Doing squats and also leg extensions and leg curls are helpful. Strengthening the quads and hams helps because these muscles go down around the knee and help support it.

I agree with Beverly (I usually do!) about strengthening the knee area. I know for me personally I run ALOT of distance and as long as I do Leg Extensions and Leg Curls on my weight bench I have no knee issues. In Legs & Glutes Cathe does standing leg extensions and those would help you also. Are you running in cushioned shoes? That could also help...:)...Carole
Ok, I'm curious now, as I get knee pain at times. How do you work the leg extensions/curls into your Cathe workouts? Also, I thought I'd read somewhere that leg extensions were actually not so great if you have knee problems? Would love to learn more about this. Thanks!
Hi Bunbun...there are alot of different types of knee problems. The only one I have ever had on very rare occasions is runner's knee which is pain below the knee cap, I feel it sometimes when I step, but not from running which is weird..:)..Leg extensions have never bothered that problem. Our bodies are all different. What works for some might not work for others. I know when I stop the extensions my quads get weak and running distance becomes harder for me. Could also be age. I usually add leg extensions and leg curls (to balance the muscles) to any Cathe lower body workouts. I normally do Cathe squats and lunges and sometimes deadlifts along with the leg extensions and leg curls. Hope this helps...:)...Carole
Thanks, Mckmain. I had been getting a pain under the kneecap, though not when I racewalk. I've had it happen when I do step and also sometimes during lunges and squats. I've eased up on both (fewer days of step, light weights on the leg exercises and really careful about foot and knee placement) and it seems to have helped, but I figure I should probably try to strengthen my quads. Just wasn't sure if leg extensions and quads to balance would be the right way to go or not. It's so hard to know what will work.
Have you always had problems with you knees or has this begun since you started running?

If this started as a result of running, I would go to a store that specializes in running shoes and make sure that you are wearing the right shoes for your feet. Often times people don't realize how important it is to find the right pair of shoes...not just any running shoe will do.

Good luck!

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