Help for American jobs


Okay ladies, I need help. I was told in February that I would no longer have a job at the end of this year. "Restructuring" is the politcally correct term they like to use. Whatever the term, my job will now be done offshore. Our community has been hit hard by this "restructuring" and has rallied to try and help save other communities and our own. They have been trying to get other companies to look into buying our facility, more so the experience of the people inside the facility. There is a website that has been set up called It has my story, which I know has similiar circumstances for other communities around the USA. Please read, and if so inclined, download the letter and FAX, mail, or email one of the representatives listed. This would be extrememly helpful to me, but to all Americans also I believe! Feel free to pass on this website. So many communities have and will probably be affected by this "restructuring" and just how cost effective is it?
Thanks so much!
Burlington & Mt. Pleasant, Iowa
Contracting offshore work is a huge political issue for me and I am against it. It is attractive for buisnesses because it is a definite cost cutter as well as a method to get around intellectual property issues by doing development and manufacturing in countries where there is no patent protection. The ultimate huge negative economical impact on our country should be a barrier against doing this but people will be people and those making the decisions are shortsighted and self centered and will use it as a way for themselves to get wealthier and for the buisness entity to suceeed but they don't ask or don't care about the ultimate impact on our economy or the type of lives their childern or grandchildren will have. The impact is already being seen in the lower number of enrollments in graduate schools and other professional schools in this country and the lower rate of experts emigrating to this country because of lack of jobs.I will go to your website and email a representative.

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