HELP! Cathe Newbie needs help!


New Member
Hi all, I am new to Cathe tapes, right now I have three of them. MIC, Power Max and Maximum Intensity. I have tried doing two of them and for the life of me I CAN'T! I don't know what it is, but I cannot seem to get into these tapes! What do I have to do to "get into" them? Give them more time? Perhaps it's because my fitness level isn't up to par? :-hmmm

Also, which of Cathe's tapes focus mostly on weights? (I see there are some new ones coming out) but of the ones that are out now, which ones?

Thanks for the help in advance! :*
for weights use the Pure Strength Series (3 tapes)--also her Cross training Express set is good as a cardio plus weight system. Don't be discourgaed. The TAPES YOU HAVE ARE tough. gIVE YOURSELF TIME.
hi, i recognize you from FF! i'm momtoandre over there.
i'm also new to cathe and for the time being i am only doing her tapes on super-energetic days. i know they are really hard, but give it time. the easiest cathe i've tried is CTX kickbox. but it was not an easy tape!! LOL
i really like the FIRM also, but i need something to strive for or i can get bored. mostly i can do the same few tapes over and over, but sometimes i want a really hard challenge, that's why i tried cathe.
MIS is all weights, and i have preordered power hour which is all weights.
good luck!
Hey LisaB!!!!!

I'm on the FF as Suez41 and Keta's as Lion! I'm new to Cathe too, I'm doing the PS series, those are very good weight tapes! I highly recommend those. I'm doing the BFL and those 3 tapes fit right into my workout schedule! As a matter of fact I did Vol.1 of the series Stronger legs, I'm telling you, my legs are still shaking! For me this was money very well spent!!!!!!!!!
Lisa - you have some tough tapes. I'm new to Cathe but have been working out with the Firm for years. One of the first Cathe tapes I did was MIC and I couldn't finish it (did the first 50 minutes and couldn't do anything more besides stepping in place for the last 20 minutes). It was the first time in over 8 years that I wasn't able to finish a tape I started. For a great cardio workout, I always recommend Cardio Kicks - you can modify if needed and it doesn't require a step. After using only the Firm's short and tall box for so long, I am a klutz on the long step and am having to learn all the new step moves. The older tapes like Mega Step Blast and Step Heat seem to be easier in learning Cathe's choreography. I know I got a little frustrated when I couldn't do the moves because it felt like I wasn't giving myself a tough workout so I modified a lot until I learned the steps better.
Hello, I don't know how "into" aerobic's you are, but I am a 28 yr. old, 5'5", 135 lb. female that only does 1 Cathe tape (during summer) and that is the MIS (Maximum Intensity Strength). I run 4 mornings a week for at least 45 min. and in place of lifting weights, I do the Cathe tape twice a week and that seems to be all I need. I love it because you work one body part at a time in segments. You may want to give it a try. Start out with using only the barbell (no weights), then move onto adding plates to the bar. It will be tough at first and you'll think you will never finish the tape, but give it time and you will feel totally energized afterwards! I think it took me 4 times of doing the tape with my barbell before I could add weight plates and keep up with the tape at a moderate feel. As for aerobic tapes, I like Cathe's "Wedding" video and The Firm's Tough Cardio Mix. Think positive!!!!! : )

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